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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Last time he had opposition inside his party. Powerful people who didn’t want to rock the boat, the 'old guard’s. He had a split supreme court. He had a pandemic that slowed and in many ways prevented his plans.

    Well, unfortunately, those old guard conservatives have largely been purged. The supreme court has been packed. And while pandemics are not entirely common, people have been lulled into a false sense of security and are unlikely to respond the same.

    I don’t expect us to lose our vote. But I do expect voter suppression to escalate dramatically.

    I don’t expect ethic cleansing, but I expect a lot of racial violence and escalating racial tensions.

    I don’t expect world war, but I do expect a massive erosion of global diplomacy and many minor conflicts.

    Most of the people who voted for him are largely brainwashed and uninformed or misinformed. Often times they’re scared or mistrusting rather than hateful.

    I don’t call them Nazi’s, and I sincerely hope we can bring many of them back into reality.

    But anyone who has paid attention to his rhetoric, his plans, his platform and still voted for it. Well there’s a word for people who supported the Nazi party in Germany but didn’t support the war or the ethnic cleansing. Nazis. They were called Nazis.

  • Trump literally brags about studying Hitlers speeches. His father was a well known Nazi sympathizer.

    Trump often uses Nazi rhetoric and sologans. The examples of these are extremely numerous and no other broadly supported American politician has been caught as often, all but assuring dog-whistling.

    Neo-Nazis openly back Trump and are in his inner circle. They’ve been caught with swastika flags and tattoos, SS tattoos, 88 tattoos, often ending merchandise on Trump’s own websites with $X.88, lifting their arms in a Sig Heil at rallies, etc etc etc etc.

    Trump has been asked to condemn his Neo-Nazi supporters and their racial violence, and he refuses.

    If it quacks like a Nazi, acts like a Nazi, and literally claims to be a Nazi- we should call it a Nazi.

  • The best thing you can do to increase your confidence in the data reliability is to invest in backups AND doing at least RAID-1 on a reliable check-summing filesystem like ZFS, which Proxmox supports easily out of the box.

    I have ZFS and cloud based backups and I’ve never lost or corrupted data in over 10 years.

    And personally, I don’t back up my movies/TV shows. The volume is too high to bother and with ZFS snapshots and reliability, and the high seas being what they are, most everything is (eventually) recoverable.