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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on blood cholesterol.


    We confirm from the review of the literature on epidemiological data, meta-analysis, and clinical interventions where dietary cholesterol challenges were utilized that there is not a direct correlation between cholesterol intake and blood cholesterol. This lack of correlation is mainly due to the compensatory mechanisms exerted by the organism to manage excess dietary cholesterol, including decreases in cholesterol absorption and down-regulation of cholesterol synthesis. A great number of epidemiological studies and meta-analysis indicate that dietary cholesterol is not associated with CVD risk nor with elevated plasma cholesterol concentrations. Clinical interventions in the last 20 years demonstrate that challenges with dietary cholesterol do not increase the biomarkers associated with heart disease risk. Further, in the specific circumstances where eggs are the source of dietary cholesterol, an improvement in dyslipidemias is observed due to the formation of less atherogenic lipoproteins and changes in HDL associated with a more efficient reverse cholesterol transport. However, if the cholesterol sources are consumed with saturated and trans fats, as happens in the Western diet pattern, increases in plasma cholesterol may be observed. The most recent epidemiological data and clinical interventions for the most part continue to support the USDA 2015 dietary guidelines that removed the upper limit of dietary cholesterol

  • The duty to vote in Belgium belongs to all adult Belgians. EU citizens can vote in European and municipal elections. Other foreigners have local voting rights when they have lived in the country for more than five years. Attendance is compulsory for Belgians in Belgium, not doing so results in a fine, 3 fines equals the loss of civil rights.

    It can be done, but I was also part of an election oversight or whatever committee, we counted votes and stuff. One of the things we did was we took a vote urn to the local retirement home and well I witnessed what happened when voting is mandatory. In the past It was mandatory in our country as it was part of the eastern bloc and this man just took the first paper, not even reading which party he voted for and just put it in the envelope and voted that way.

    So there are definitely downsides to trying to encourage voting too.

  • kameecoding@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSo glad for Trump
    4 months ago

    Because any sort of goodwill attempt to eliminate people from voting will just increase the chance of it being abused by said nazis, well fascists, because nazis were the fascists from germany.

    Also fun fact, like many things IQ tests have a history rooted in racism, so if your plan was to use that then bad luck.

    Fun fact number #2 the likes of Trump, Orbán (HUN), Fico (SVK) almost always win because of a low voter turnout.

    The previous US election had what, 20 million more voters and surprise surprise, Trump lost.

    Extremists are always a passionate vocal minority the more you restrict who can vote the easier time they have to take over the election.

    If anything suggesting fines for not voting is a far less dumb idea than the shit you just said.

  • kameecoding@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    6 months ago

    Yeah I know about them, also there were some pretty powerful rulers and kingdoms in Africa, I don’t have an issue with that, but when Jada Smith makes a “documentary” about how she was black, without scientific consensus then that’s kinda wrong imo, it would actually be cultural appropriation unlike copying some haircut

  • Well Liam Neeson being white was explicitly part of the story and a play a play on blatant racial stereotypes, he had an asian stand in who “looked like” ras al ghul would so he could hide his identity. In fact because it’s a rather “realistic” take on the superhero it’s implied that Ras Al Ghul is not a single person, it’s always just a cover for the current leader of the league of shadows or whatever they are called

  • kameecoding@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    6 months ago

    Well I was going by the logic that illegitimate child wouldn’t tule Egypt, but that may in fact that be the case, but the argument that her mother isn’t known for sure as an argument that she was black is not very strong, when the only depiction of her being black comes from Jada I cheat on my husband then make him talk about it on video Smith