Pelvis Presley
“Thank you. Thank you very much. …Giggity”
Pelvis Presley
“Thank you. Thank you very much. …Giggity”
Since you’re already working in C#, an ASP.Net Core backed, with whatever database you prefer, will do what you want.
You could self host it, but I wouldn’t call that easy. There are plenty of cloud providers that can integrate with your preferred git repo and really streamline the build and deployment process. I run a few applications as “Apps” on Digital Ocean. Once you get it configured properly, deployments are quick and easy.
Just want to point out that within Christianity, “young earth creationism” is a minority view that is held almost strictly by evangelicals. It is also a very “new” set of beliefs, only becoming popular after the early/mid 1900’s. It’s supported using a “literal” interpretation of scripture while conveniently ignoring the fact that Genesis quite literally cites two differing accounts of creation.
Too bad I treat my own health the same way I treated my Tomagochi. I forget about it for days years at a time.
Nobody: …
My dog: “MOTHERFUCKER I KILL YOU! I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND! HOW DARE YOU INTRUDE ON MY… oh wait. I guess that noise just came from my own butt and not some scary dog eating demon. Nevermind. My bad.”
My other dog: “AAAAAAHHHHH! DONT HURT ME. PLEEEASASSSSEEE! IM BEGGING YOU! I HAVE A FAMILY! Oh. Oh, you’re going to give me pets? I thought you were going to chop me to death with a giant arm shaped machete.”
How else are you supposed to keep score? Half the time there’s a few spares sitting in the golf cart.
Girls, especially teenage girls, have a sort of social hierarchy. A lot of teenage girl life is basically trying to figure out where they fit into this hierarchy and it drives a lot of the relationship dynamics between girls. Not every girl necessarily wants to be the “queen bee” either. In this context, some of the things girls do start to make a little more sense.
Some of the features you’re looking for led me to switch to Quicken a few years ago. It’s a legacy desktop app (Quicken Online sucks) and it’s not very fast but it is still the gold standard for personal accounting software. I’ve honestly been happier with it than I was with anything else I’ve tried.
Thankfully Intuit sold it off so they can’t enshitify it anymore.
Day 7300:
“Foiled yet another one of Van Pelt’s attempts to kill me yesterday. As much as he sucks at hunting, he’s incredibly dedicated. It’s kind of sad, really. Like watching Wile E. Coyote try to catch the road runner over and over. Each attempt a little more pathetic than the last. Sometimes I think I should just let him do it. End it all. He gets a win. I get to escape this God awful nightmare; theoretically. But on the other hand, maybe he needs this. Maybe the chase is what keeps him going. Maybe deep inside that cold, sociopathic murderer there’s a dude just looking for a purpose. I mean, it’s not like he’s ever going to get out of here.”
One Drive works fine 98% of the time. But the 2% of the time it doesn’t can make a huge mess. I’ve lost an entire days worth of work on an Excel workbook due to auto save issues and it’s happened more than once. The last time it happened was the last straw. That’s when I switched back to an SMB share.
About 12 years ago, I promised an agent at Safeco (AKA Liberty Mutual) that they would never get another penny from me because they wouldn’t honor the terms of my policy, refusing to pay the full amount on a vehicle collision claim. They’re just another business that doesn’t keep their word. But I absolutely plan to keep mine.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket has a full intro with theme music.
Beehaw is like the Elks Lodge of the Lemmyverse. From the outside they look exclusive, mysterious, and enticing. Inside, there’s just a few drunk guys singing karaoke.
At least that’s my assumption. They wouldn’t let me in because I refused to write a paragraph about why I wanted to join an instance that I knew virtually nothing about. Even the Elks Lodge wasn’t that picky.
I would advise against it. Separation of concerns isn’t important until it is. If your host server is unavailable for any reason, now EVERYTHING is unavailable. Having your server go down is bad. Being unable to browse the internet when your host is down and you’re trying to figure out why is worse.
There are also risks involved in running your firewall on the same host as all your other VM’s without adding a lot of complex network configurations.
How dare you want to exist as your preferred and best version of yourself!
Seriously though, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve always felt comfortable with the gender I was born with and I can’t imagine how hard it has to be to not feel that way. Not to mention being forced to interact with people who think you don’t deserve to be the person you’re happy with because it’s makes them a little uncomfortable. They’re ignorant assholes.
I’ve told my wife more than once that if her earning potential was higher than mine, I would happily be a stay at home dad. She loves being a SAHM though so I doubt she would be cool with that.
…on my machine.
Will not be shocked if Musk is assassinated as part of a consolidation of power. He positioned himself close enough to the iron throne to be seen as a threat or at least an obstacle.
Because it was replaced by cheap garbage.
Saved you a click. The video was pretty informative though.
“What do you call the Beatles without Ringo?”