jesus fucking christ
jesus fucking christ
finally got around to finishing that, it was pretty good, my only beef was
whatever the hell Starbuck was after she came back? Also, they introduced the concept of cylons ‘casting’ visions, but evidently that wasn’t what Gaius was experiencing? then what was it? Seemed like they were pushing the idea of christianity in a freaking science fiction show, and it completely turned me off the last season.
Welcome to the Jungle - Gunz n’ roses
This Land is Your Land - Woody Guthrie
I mean, little dude peaked at two months old as emperor of Russia, then was Man-in-the-Iron-Masked until his death, right at the moment of his release.
Russian or Greek, it’s a freaking tragedy. I hope the guard that followed orders in killing him before he could be released was subsequently wrecked. Freaking bootlickers, man. They exist in every century.
Upon the accession of Peter III in 1762, Ivan’s situation seemed about to improve, for the new emperor visited him and sympathised with his plight, but Peter was deposed just a few months later. New instructions were sent to Ivan’s guardian to place manacles on his charge, and even to scourge him should he become unmanageable.
Dang. Upon the doorstep of deliverance, a new emperor visiting your cell, empathizing with your position, only to have him deposed just as ruthlessly, and your situation made all the worse. How is this a real story and not some terrible ancient Greek tragedy?
“Regio Gigantum?” So below the Cannibals and Ze German Belt, lies the land of giants?
Adding to OPs note: