Very compelling argument. I look forward to the supreme Court case.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Is a non-compete agreement with God himself, ergo, non-competes are divine law. ( /s but I could see a judge making that argument )
The ban on cursing is from the 10 commandments, basically, “don’t take God’s name in vain” got expanded to every type of cursing, not just the ones that had God in them.
And the parents of him that was dead came unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: Thou that hast such a child canst not dwell with us in the village: or do thou teach him to bless and not to curse: for he slayeth our children.
Damn, the justice system back then was way more forgiving.
Yeah, I’m confused about that as well. It wouldn’t show up in a screenshot if it was a display issue?
From doing dishes and stuff like that.
Let’s start by putting up cameras in all his houses.
For a lot of devices that will leave an unsecured wifi network on that will
And Reagan was a criminal as well. He just got Ollie North to take the fall and leaned into his dementia to play the poor victim.
Yeah, it’s kind of weird that this is one of the things the US got right compared to most other countries. If you’re already sending a guy to every house in town, why not pick up their mail while you’re at it.
It’s basically when you drag an Ethernet cable behind you wherever you go, with the other end still plugged into your home switch.
Yeah, but that’s just the kernel. Anything above that (window manager, the utilities that they didn’t outright copy from BSD, apps, …) is basically closed source.
One thing it claimed was the ability to rewrite copy. Basically finally an improvement over spellcheck which has been the same for like 20 years. Would be nice to have something better built into the OS in every text field.
You could also have stuff like suggestions in your terminal when you’re starting to write a command based on what’s in the man pages and the layout of your filesystem.
Or wrote it in a different language and used Google Translate.