revenge killing is the #1 plot in popular fiction. I’d be alarmed if people didn’t cheer.
Wait, which murder are we talking about?
revenge killing is the #1 plot in popular fiction. I’d be alarmed if people didn’t cheer.
Wait, which murder are we talking about?
The problem is not that the beastly corporations are doing something beastly again. The problem is that we allow these beastly corporations to exist.
That’s how plants do it. For a billion years. Must be the best strategy.
Morality is a great tool for justifying legal enforcement of my desires. All it takes is a good argument connecting the two.
The arguments are getting less good here tho. They’re getting very thin and flimsy.
What would happen if we threw away the moral argument?
What if instead of offering a moral argument for why you shouldn’t pirate their movies, Disney just said “come at me bro”?
First paragraph addresses the overheads of running a biz.
Second paragraph proffers a specious moral argument.
A connection is vaguely insinuated.
My friend (an old lady unfamiliar with pirates) bought a dvd the other day. A comedy from 15 years ago.
It had been censored. Offensive dialogue dubbed over. No warning on rhe package.
Yo ho forever.
And the selection is VASTLY superior.
Instead of accessing only what netflix is “offering” today, I have access to EVERYTHING. All the time. Forever. Even obscure weird old stuff.
The entire body of media created by the human race is mine!
Probably has its own Pizza Hut. Delivery guys don’t need cars.