Real G’s also commit fraud and floss out
Real G’s also commit fraud and floss out
I can add that it requires location permission (even when you attempt to search manually with zip or city). What a shitty, dystopian timeline we are experiencing when we’re mandated to run privacy invasive spyware, just to get a fucking discount on nugs.
Are you just as concerned that cash is not traceable and that some is exchanged tax free? I don’t see how any GPU miners are profitable at this point. Outside of gaming: AI must have a larger GPU demand? Most miners are using ASICs. You’re absolutely right that mining energy should come from plants that have underutilized capacity and (obviously) renewable sources. The cat’s out of the bag on cryptocurrency and unjust laws don’t deserve to be followed. All government printed currencies eventually become worthless.
Crypto cannot be banned. It can only be made illegal, if countries want to remove themselves from the digital currency revolution. The derivatives market is $730T. Stocks are about $110T. Real estate is around $380T. If you’re concerned about the minuscule amount of illegal activities that occur within the 3.5T crypto market, your fears are misguided. Crypto is mostly traceable. Fiat currencies are highly preferred for drug sales and tax avoidance.
Thanks for shedding light on this. I’ve also noticed the same thing on Instagram links. They now have a “igsh=” added to track sharing.
If it’s out of the bag, then it’s out of the bag
Now that is a powerful cat
But what if you lose the notebook? Or just don’t have it on you, when you need it? God help ya if someone malicious gets it. Keep it digital, always available, backed up, and secure.
Why would I choose this over LibreWolf?
Silicon got Bezos the silicone