Both major political parties in the US are different degrees of right wing auth.
Both major political parties in the US are different degrees of right wing auth.
The two were separate signs of the increased need for privacy
Fair, but at least in the US right wing auth is a much more direct and realistic threat to people and their privacy, although left auth is bad too
If you didn’t realize the importance of privacy after the patriot act and seeing the continuation of right wing authoritarianism, it’s definitely time to get on board asap. Get yourself and your community on signal instead of texts and tuta or proton instead of regular email, use a vpn (mullvad or proton are solid), and depending on what kinds of actions you may or may not be interested in, learn how to use tails os and tor (try to find a copy of the darknetmarket bible for a good intro)
Edit: simplex is a good alternative to signal too, and if you have a google pixel, grapheneos is solid. Next time you’re getting a new phone, get a used pixel and install it. On your computer, there’s a lot of telemetry and sketchy stuff windows does, either research and disable that or switch to linux if you can
I commented a similar sentiment on another thread on proton wallet and got mostly upvotes, people just get wacky with the votes lol
Should’ve done monero
It’s crazy that they chose bitcoin over monero
The epistemic status of that person saying it vs me is not all that different, neither of us have evidence to present
Proton is a government honeypot.
Are you gonna take the chance now that there are allegations against proton?
Yeah, tuta is actually on fdroid (should be the minimum bar for open source software from a company like proton) and has an efficient notification service that doesn’t depend on google services at all
Is there any evidence of them being a honeypot? It sounds like that claim was made by someone under trial who might be trying to take the heat off themselves
See you on vegancirclejerk with the rest of us b12 deficient husks
I think they’re trustworthy, but not the best in all those categories - I think tuta is better for mail (no dependence on google services), mullvad is better for vpn (linux app actually works with wireguard, and doesn’t have a hard dependence on networkmanager), and keepassxc + syncthing is better for passwords, although to be fair I haven’t tried proton pass
Switch to tuta lol
What are you even saying? The meme isn’t comparing being vegan to watching dog fights, and the reason I used that analogy is because a lot of ethical vegans see not being vegan as similarly bad to watching dog fights, since both support unnecessary cruelty to other animals. Since most people are against watching dog fights, the analogy helps people see the meme from the perspective an ethical vegan sees it.
Your lack of ability to understand what’s being said would be easier to dunk on lol also this meme isn’t really targeted at changing minds I don’t think 🤷
the “but…” implies they have started doing the gross thing again. Imo it’s worse if someone recognizes something is bad, stops, then starts doing it again, they’re no longer ignorant but they still choose to do the bad thing
Imagine instead of vegan, the caption was like “my daughter tells me you watch dog fights on the weekend” and the guy says “well I stopped going to them but…”
It’s a huge red flag if someone saw how fucked up animal agriculture is and understood why animal exploitation is wrong, stopped supporting it, and then went back to supporting it. So the logic makes sense, that’s something that’s actually worth not wanting someone to date your child for, and it’s funny cause it’s not the stereotype of “parent vetoing childs partner” at all
It’s still crazy to me that proton picked btc instead of monero for their wallet. It should’ve either been xmr only, or xmr + btc, like cakewallet does