I’m disabled, so unfortunately I’ll be a burden. Sorry folks.
Can’t catch a break
I’m disabled, so unfortunately I’ll be a burden. Sorry folks.
As a former 20-year-old, 20-year-olds are dickheads.
Hey, that’s one way to look at my career success and burnout!
I know you’re trying to help, but doing this made things at home so much worse for me. Child services had bigger fish to fry. Life would have been so much easier if I just dealt with it myself.
My dad would use my high school crisis against me until I stopped giving him the opportunity when I went no contact with him.
Faces of different people after the party drugs hit
Summoning the most kawaii demon
Homer Simpsons pulling wishbone
Person organizing a line of dildos
People looking for missing glass eye of first person
Living the dream!
I like my water bottle with a straw lid, because when I am in bed and can’t sit up easily, it is still not too difficult for me to stay hydrated.
I don’t think it was considered an asthma trigger, though I do not have the best time breathing with cigarette smoke, either. It was an allergy trigger. It even happened through apartment walls, when my neighbors smoked. Allergy meds and HEPA filters didn’t really help much, and the doctor had no suggestions for me.
Interestingly enough, people vaping nicotine doesn’t bother me, just if they burn the leaf. The only way I knew someone was vaping is if I saw it or it was flavored, no physical symptoms that I noticed.
I’ve been hospitalized due to secondhand smoke, so I definitely hate the smell. It is physically painful for me.
I check the news once or twice a week. It’s often enough to stay informed but I also have time to recover. Once a day is too much. More than once was awful.
I get to that point if I had like 4+ days off work, or if things all fall into place (no one needs me, allergies weren’t triggered, the weather didn’t make all my joints hurt…) It seems to happen around 9 hours of sleep.
It doesn’t happen often, but I’ll say my brain just seems to work so much better when this happens. It does make me wish that things could be slow enough that this is typical, but I suppose I’m better off than I have been so I can’t really complain.
Same. I think they want enough of us to throw the rest under the bus as a “got mine” and keep dividing and conquering. It is so exhausting having to tell the rest of my high earning peers that the enemy is NOT people just trying to survive…
“if you wanted to stay alive, you should have gotten a better paying job”
I’m a programmer. I miss my 70s thermostat. Hot/cold/off, temperature, and fan on/auto. Very simple. Just worked.
The smart thermostat is nice, but it’s something I’ll need to revisit when I have time.
I really like the new Zelda games, but I agree that I miss the “tight” puzzles. Some of the solutions to puzzles were too easy if you got certain items before encountering the puzzle. I didn’t always realize until I was done with the puzzle and I was left thinking “oh… That was it?”
Make those with decent construction so every cough and sneeze isn’t broadcasted to all of your neighbors with good design so it’s disability friendly, and that is the dream right there.
I had a similar problem… Swimming was good for me, until the “recurring ear infection” nation attacked.
After trying and failing to reach them for comment, we finally heard from them. They just told us “whatever, man.”
Hump people’s legs.
You mean to tell me those women don’t just naturally have clear, moisturized skin and sparkly eyelids? What next, are you going to tell me that their clothes are carefully selected and not just the first thing that fits from the store? Pfft.
I also have no idea why they take so long to get ready. Women, amirite?