What kind of motor oil would you recommend to pair with liver and fava beans?
What kind of motor oil would you recommend to pair with liver and fava beans?
I think Blendo is the greatest, but my dad says it doesn’t work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, it doesn’t even run down the arena.
Twice, because usually it’s two sticks.
In any case, RAM failure is rare enough that quadrupling its chances is not gonna make any meaningful difference. Even if it does, RAM is the easiest thing to replace in a PC. Don’t even need to go offline while waiting for a new stick. Someone who’s got the cash to build that thing in the first place won’t be too upset by the cost of another 32gb stick either, I don’t think.
I just don’t want any unauthorized persons anywhere near my vaults in general. I also see my vault as a critical service that requires high availability, and I know enough about system administration to know that my network and I are not qualified to provide that.
Gpt4 uses dall-e under the hood, which is not that great with text.
That sounds a bit too much. Generating an sdxl image and then scaling it up is the common procedure, but that should not take 2 minutes on a 40xx card. For reference I can generate 3 batches of 5 images (without the upscaling step) in less than 2 minutes on my 4070ti. And that’s without using faster sdxl models like lightning or turbo or whatever.
Podman has a built-in automatic update feature that monitors the source repo. Could be useful for you.
That small inert lump of metal can have jagged edges that can cause injury later on. It also definitely is loaded with dirty crap that will cause infections. Overall it’s rarely “fine” to leave random, unsterilized foreign objects inside the body.
What is “best experience” though? It’s such a subjective thing. For you it might be pushing a lever back and forth. For every one person like you, I bet there are hundreds who’d rather leave that menial task to the car. Manual transmission can quickly stop being “fun and engaging” and become a chore, especially if you drive through traffic regularly.
I, or rather my left leg, personally do not consider manual transmission as a good experience at all. I also think paying much less for fuel is also a very good experience for my wallet. Though of course I don’t drive a Lamborghini or even a nice M4, so there’s that.
Plenty of brands stopped offering manual variants of plenty of models. IIRC BMW practically begged people to stop asking for manual variants, saying it just does not make any sense to mess with the supply chain and the production line and the car itself just to put an objectively inferior transmission inside it.
I have node named pve too. Small world.