My dude, he’s from America lol
My dude, he’s from America lol
You in NYC area? I’m hiring.
Very strange, but glad you worked it out!
I’ll keep this thread in mind if I ever run into something similar.
Well, dig is available also of course, but nearly all distros still include nslookup despite it getting deprecated. I like the simplicity of its interactive mode.
Host is also really great with more human-readable output.
Don’t get me wrong, when things are getting hairy, you’re going to make a lot of use of dig. I just find that most troubleshooting can be taken care of a lot simpler with host or nslookup.
nslookup is available on macOS and most Linux distros as well (and very helpful indeed).
Yeah if you can dig a record and received a response it’s not a routing issue.
But aren’t you on the same subnet as your DNS server? There’s no routing happening if you’re on the same subnet which I was assuming.
Even through dig defaults to outputting A records when no other options are specified, I would use the A option anyway just in case:
dig @ study.lan A
If you use “ping study.lan” do you see it output the A record IP address in the first line of output?
Did you try using nslookup as I described?
How exactly are you testing this from your client, with ping? What are you using to query the DNS?
If you run nslookup from the client
I’m assuming you’ve run ifconfig to verify your client’s NIC has been assigned the correct DNS via DHCP?
Notable Communist Governments and Their Human Rights Records:
Soviet Union (1922 - 1991)
China (1949 - Present)
Cuba (1959 - Present)
North Korea (1948 - Present)
Vietnam (1976 - Present)
Laos (1975 - Present)
History isn’t propaganda
Always cracks me up to see people who champion open source alternatives hate on communism.
This isn’t about “drawing comparisons” this is about how you don’t understand why someone would champion open source software and hate on communism…because of course people hate on fucking communism, you dope.
It’s proven time and time again that communist governments bring suffering to their people. Like, some fucked up shit. Like starvation, inequality, and lack of basic human rights.
Whereas open source software can be educational, build cost effective solutions for people and businesses, and empower people’s lives.
You see the difference?
make millions of people felons overnight
Also wrong. I knew you were going to spout some far right bullshit propaganda.
Here, take some time to educate yourself.
Listen up people - it is okay to evolve our laws as we evolve as people. No one needs a fucking AR-15, and if you do, it should be regulated.
You shouldn’t feel that way, because communism has absolutely nothing to do with open source software.
Communism is a political ideology.
Open source software is a licensing technique for creators and developers. Mostly so that no one has to worry about getting sued if they want to implement or modify said software. You think a communist government would even allow the use of open source software over government issued/approved software?
Yeah, but you’re also wrong about the gun rights. They’re trying to enact sensible laws, not strip gun rights.
The most [egregious] recent example is the legality of arm braces.
It’s not egregious, that’s called a sensible conversation.
Why do gun fanatics need these types of guns anyway? What are you hunting, dragons? It’s so cringe to me when gun enthusiasts get all upset about responsible gun laws - they just want to shoot everything and anything with the most firepower they can acquire. God forbid they have to earn the right to own such a weapon.
Democrats believe that we can reduce gun violence while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners. We believe we should expand and strengthen background checks for those who want to purchase a firearm – because it shouldn’t be easier to get a gun than a driver’s license.
That is not taking your precious guns away, it’s requiring you to not be a complete moron before acquiring one. Which is apparently why you have a problem with the proposal.
Yes. You need a reference when you’re talking pure bullshit. None of that unfounded crap is on the democratic agenda. That’s why you can’t cite a single reference.
Bullshit like yours needs to be called out every time.
Why don’t you cite one reference to support your bullshit?
To bear arms.
No they’re not.
Also nobody seems interested in male reproductive rights.
Okay, I’ll bite. Like what?
Also, have you seen how leftist moderators here on Lemmy behave?
Do tell…
I know you mean democrats, but that would be incorrect about the second amendment and freedom of association.
Where’d you read that?
What rights are the left trying to take away?
That’s awesome to hear. I could tell you’d be a good hire. We do automation contracting. We do lots of logic programming and also have an IT / MSP side of the business (Azure/on-prem domain, email server, cloud, etc.). I’ve been trying out this new app I saw an ad for on the train, advertising for job placement, and started using it the other day.
You can have a look at the ad here