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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • That’s kind of the point. If you don’t want to make the commitment to finishing the game, don’t charge people for early access.

    You could make hurt less by offering partial refunds -100% refund at 50% complete -20% refund at 80% complete And whatever’s in between.

    The entire point is to encourage the developer to keep making the game. If the developer stops developing or starts makes garbage their funding will be at risk.

    The main concern is collections. If the developer runs away with the money, or just runs out of funds and can’t finish and can’t refund everybody, then yeah its kinda fucked.

  • It should be marketed as beta test. I get not wanting to give out game for free or needing some funding to finish it, but its still an unfishished product.

    IMO it should be something like so;

    • Free to play for 5 hours or up to a certain level/about 20% play complete depending on the game style.
    • pay to access rest of game. Full refund available any time or up to 15hrs/80% of game. With warning that stops game play until player is fully notified “if you keep playing past this point, you can not refund”
    • players can be rewarded for participating as a beta tester if they actually provide constructive feedback.
    • those rewards could be simply unlocking more time to play/levels, and a certain point they “earn” the whole game. Rewards can not be in-game advatages. Cosmetics is okay.
    • Once game is released, standard refund rules take affect.
    • if you paid for early access then it transfers to released game. If Dev try something sketchy like list the game under a new store page, any one who downloaded it regardless of payment will get a free key and Dev will be banned from listing anything early access.
    • reviews from early access will be separated from release to keep outdated user feedback out of the mix.

    Just throwing out a few ideas, trying to keep it fair to both dev and player, but obviously I’m not a game business expert.

  • That’s unfortunate.

    Another thing you can do is to keep available funds on whatever card you use online low. If there’s only 1 to 2k on the card, yes it’ll suck, but it won’t be as impactfull as your life savings.

    You a might also consider credit card with a small limit (1k or less) and set auto pay to “pay full balance” every month. Avoid interest like the plague, (those cards have insane interest rates over 20%), but if you’re always paying it off in full, there’s no interest to pay. If I can’t pay the credit card off in full (and I mean the full limit) when I “swipe” it, I pretend it does not exist. None of the “I get played next week, so I can pay it off then” - nope, don’t go there.

    Supposedly credit cards have better fraud protection than a debit, but maybe that’s just another one of our many “Freedom” problems.

    The main thing is you’re separating the random websites from the majority of your funds to limit how much can be taken. If there’s a problem, I’m dealing with Privacy.com and a couple hundred bucks and can still pay the bills. I’m not trying to convince ebayclone#71 and my bank I didn’t place an order for 10000 waffle makers before the lights shut off.

    And of course, I’m just some rando on the internet, not an actual expert. Not even in same country as you, so take that for what it is.

  • Password manager, and use different randomly generated passwords.

    The real danger is having the same password everywhere.

    Also pay attention to where you save your payment info.

    Everything I do online is through Privacy.com, with limits for each vendor. My amazon gets hacked? Most I’m out is $100, steam gets hacked, there goes $60. A subscription tries to double charge, lol no. Free trial wants to auto-bill me after 7 days, its not happening. Funneling everything through them isn’t 100%, but at least they’re not paypal, I get notified when ever even a 1 cent charge happens and I’m not leaving my bank card on a dozen random sites I’ll eventually loose track of.

  • Friendly reminder: If you haven’t diversified your passwords yet, get a password manger and do it!

    Its not an if someone gets hacks, its when.

    I don’t know if this hack included any user and password, but if it did, they will try the combo on other sites.

    KeePassXC, works great but you are responsible for your own file and syncing it between devices. (I use syncthing, but a cloud drive is a viable sync method, its all encyptyed) (iOS options limited)

    Bitwarden, great if you don’t want to worry about the file and everything syncs on its own. (There is a self hosted version, if you prefer).

    Avoid anything paid or tied to a major corporation, they have proven time and again they cn not be trusted to keep our data safe.