No, a teapot, and Bertrand Russell wants a word…
Betwixed and between
No, a teapot, and Bertrand Russell wants a word…
I don’t, i very occasioanly use Chrome and have zero interest in having my boomarks there.
Which doesn’t answer your questuon :)
Perhaps WISE? You can use the web page unlike Revolut.
Still so much 2FA via SMS where I am in Aus.
I’d prefer to move everything over to something like Signal but I neeed a phone # to register for that but how do u tell the bank my Signal ID is @hanrhan.666
Is there a how to for Linux?
What about catch and release fishing ? Or is that just animal torture ?
True but doesn’t a new password then prompt bitwarden for you to update the credentials ?
That won’t work in Australia. You can buy the SIM anywhere of course, you just can’t activate it. You’ll need proof of ID on line to do that… There are only three operators (the rest are resellers). I am sure there are ways around it but not the one you suggest.
When I was last in NZ you didn’t need ID must buy a SIM and good to go, not sjre thats still the case though?
Yes the internet is helping people evade the law, let’s ban that.
I am aure they’d rather be busy doing other things but if the Governmwnt starts taking liberties and shits on the Constitution, then we need someone to step up to the plate… Shame on the Government.
On my mobile I use a pixel 4, I tried Graphene OS but my banking failed so back to stock Android
Here in Australia I just use a physical card for tap and go for payments etc or use cash. No need for Google Pay or bank payments app. Can log in via my bank via a web browser to move cash about or check spending.
I think you demonstrated the entire point, people prefer invasive convenience over privacy., along with flimsy justification. Not having a go, it’s exactly what most people say when I query them about privacy, “It’s so much eaaier and how I manage” etc etc.
Then we have your FB messenger thing. Dead lord, stop that. If they don’t want to chat to me on Signal, they’re obviously not my friend.
Wtf ? I use it semi often and have never enxouterd it either. That seems a little off ? You make it sound like.its all over the place like with Discord.
Last time I sent one was,.10 years ago maybe ? I can’t.remember…
Still.get them. Alas for 2FA
I’m somewhat surprised that there’s no purchasable solution to this problem as
There is, you just don’t have access for very good reasons.
Hell, I own shares in Droneshield (DRO.AX) for example.
How far up do you own, I didn’t release anyone owned space above their place.?
Jesus F Christ, what???/some random bullets.flying through the air ? Some kid a few blocks over shot whikie playing in the yard, thats ok, was shooting at some asshats drone but missed?
Juat moon the drone and be done with it, like a sane person
How is it trespassing? How far up do you “own” ? 5m , 200m, 1000km?
On the other hand, get a another drone and play chasey wott theirs, maybe and some talons to yours and swoop, eagle style ?
Hates too strong a word for me, walled garden is unacceptable, completly unacceptable.
I get 1/2 my apps from F Drod.
Session is an Australian conpany afaik. The entire app reeks of entrapment. Australian laws are all about no privacy for you.