What do they normally put on hot dogs in NY?
What do they normally put on hot dogs in NY?
I’ll repeat my comment from some time ago. He doesn’t deserve Kathy Bates. He can get Rosanne Barr or Rob Schneider.
Those would make cool t-shirts .
Kanye? I remember people liking Musk. Imagine that.
If I had pecks like the guy in the picture I’d work in a smelting plant shirtless just to show off.
When You see it spelled like that, do You also read it as “shitter”?
Wait till You hear about Mortal Kombat.
You have to be more precise than that.
Same reason everything sucks these days. Capitalism.
Did you use some artistic liberty on those guns?
Just give me being attractive and fuck the rest.
In my country they never read those. I ordered my pizza cut into pentagrams around 10 times from various places and never got anything other than standard slices.
It would be nice to know, what exactly he said, as I am Polish.
It’s the fucking touch screens again.
Why not both? I very much enjoy memes about the CEO killer.
And god bless him for it.
I would think. Everything is better with mayo.