Next update
Yeah next you are going to ask us to prove that signal shares meta data with nsa, other wise it doesn’t happen
Most EVERYTHING works unless your app dev is PoS like these guys.
Another alternative is MicroG which might work better in light of recent development.
How zealous are you on dumping google?
Wait until the next update.
I think we gonna start learning who actually can’t handle not getting your data finally.
Also microg v sanboxed gps debate might get resolved
Russia larper spotted
A girl can leave Russia but Russia never leaves the girl;)
How naive are you?
Even if everything you say can be assumed to be true, the risk from national security perspective is unacceptable during a time of war.
It is 100% discretionary product. People can just stop buying it and deny corporate revenue
That commenter is being dense on purpose as some sort one up…
Bad faith behavior
Indeed but my point here is that Ukraine is at war with Russia…
Ukraine is not at war with US. So risk is Microsoft being imbeciles… Russia literally wants Ukraine wiped out and yet the idiots unable to change an app on their phone because “network effects and habit”
Just wow
Imagine entire country using coms software operated by the enemy.
Are these people idiots or just don’t care for national security?
Like look at the UHC CEO who just got shot in broad daylight. The company wasn’t even willing to spring for good security for a guy who metaphorically put a noose around countless people’s necks.
Apparently that decision was made for PR purposes. They do not want pictures out there of daddy CEO being escorted by goons everywhere while they deny claims to dying children and grandmas.
I wonder why that would make them look bad lol
We at least it got pulled
modern fascism in action… state and corporate fusion. however, WHY DA FAQ would Italian state do this for the benefit of a foreign corporation…
I get US part of NATO but wtf