Does it run lineage? Any other FOSS, third party OS? No? Hard pass.
He never said he wants free speech for everyone :) TBH the shame should be on those who believed that Musk could somehow be the first right-wing extremist in history that wished the people at large had more rights and more freedoms.
Circle jerking, I guess? Same reason I use lemmy :)
Google has many faults, but the one responsible for this one is someone else :)
The FOSS google maps alternatives I hear recommended most often are OsmAnd+ and, especially, Organic Maps.
Personally I don’t use maps very often (I know my way around my area pretty well, so I usually just lookup the location of wherever I want to go before leaving home), but I’d say Organic Maps is simpler and more user friendly than OsmAnd+.
Both can work offline if you download the maps for your area.
The maps are pretty good (at least in my area), but compared to Google Maps you’ll have to rely more on street addresses as there aren’t as may points of interest.
We do deserve end-to-end encrypted communication but then nobody except nerds could be bothered about managing private keys, so in the end providers would manage our keys and still be able to read our messages.
If the problem is that goggle/etc can read your email, not using them for your email is the solution.
Then, yes, there’s also an issue where ecommerce sites submerge us in useless email (is “your package has been shipped” an event so important that I must be immediately notified? Because I only care about when the package will be delivered) and could use a “notificaiton settings” page.
Of the sites I use, the worst offender is aliexpress, which sends (IIRC) “order confirmed”, “package shipped”, “packages reached customs”, “package cleared customs” and “package has been delivered” for every friggin’ item you ordered.
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Apologies if this is explained in the article (sorry, as a Linux user I don’t care enough about this story to actually read the article), but… how is a filter that avoid taking screenshots of sensitive info supposed to work? I mean, what kind of divination algorithm can detect something is sensitive without looking at it first?
I know nothing about Wikipedia drama, but the term “logical fallacy” usually indicates a reasoning pattern and does not apply to specific arguments, regardless of how fallacious they may happen be. See
It’s quite easy to get rid of all that crap: just come living in the EU
Kensington? I don’t think an air tag can actually prevent theft (if they see it they’ll remove it - if they don’t see it they’ll still steal your stuff)
I have no idea what a DreamMachine is (and wikipedia does not help) so here’s the long answer :)
If you want a VPN tunnel to your own home, for secure access to your LAN, I’d recommend you look into NetBird and/or TailScale, which at their core are wireguard plus NAT punch-through (you can also run wireguard or openvpn directly, but it may be a pain since you most probably have a dynamic IP and possibly a CGNAT).
If you want to hide your traffic while connecting through networks you don’t trust (such as the work one or some cafe’s wifi), you can either use NetBird/Tailscale as above and connect though your home (well, assuming you trust your ISP of course) or some third party VPN which connects to their servers (I’d say look into Proton first).
Keep in mind that VPNs actually do very little for your online privacy (ie. it’s not like google or facebook can’t track or fingerprint you). They do is prevent man-in-the-middle traffic analysis from your ISP (or the admin of whatever LAN you are using), but then the VPN provider can do the exact same things, so… make sure to double-check the privacy guarantees of your VPN provider and compare them with those of your ISP.
What do you (think you) need a VPN for?
Lineage OS is not designed to relock the bootloader.
I don’t understand why so many people worry about that… doesn’t it only ensure that data is wiped if some agent secretly installs a rootkit or sorts on your phone before giving back the device to you?
To me, bootloader locking is mostly a way for phone manufacturers to make it harder to run anything but the ROM they have chosen (and it’s a PITA and the most laborious part of installing a ROM). and make sure to double-check that unlocking the bootloader isn’t too much bother (ie. read the installation instructions)
IDK about OP, but I would really love a CAPTCHA of sorts to screen all the spam/scam calls
I don’t see the reasoning in your answer (I do see its passive-aggressiveness, but chose to ignore it).
I asked “why?”; does your reply mean “because lack of manpower”, “because lack of skill” or something else entirely?
In case you are new to the FOSS world, that being “open source” doesn’t mean that something cannot be criticized or that people without the skill (or time!) to submit PRs must shut the fu*k up.
Those are outside Signal’s scope and depend entirely on your OS and your (or your sysadmin’s) security practices (eg. I’m almost sure in linux you need extra privileges for those things on top of just read access to the user’s home directory).
The point is, why didn’t the Signal devs code it the proper way and obtain the credentials every time (interactively from the user or automatically via the OS password manager) instead of just storing them in plain text?
Then your password (your other, “first” factor) is the only thing preventing an intruder impersonates you.
You’ll still have to go through the hassle the now useless second factor puts you through, so you might as well update your second factor even if you trust your first to be very secure.
Generally speaking, if someone asks/talks about some local topic without bothering to specify where they live, you can just assume they live in the US :)