hm … how far of a fall can ants survive? Is it because of their low body-mass compared to their surface area?
Lemmy & Fediverse enjoyer 🗿🍷
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hm … how far of a fall can ants survive? Is it because of their low body-mass compared to their surface area?
Do you know that feeling when you walk outside and suddenly have a random spiderweb-strain in your face? You need to wipe it out of your face with a hand. Maybe this was my spidery flying friend using electric fields to fly past my face.
no I mean the activists “Zentrum für Politische Schönheit” who projected the image at the factory are investigated for a crime, for showing Musk doing the Hitler salute. Wat will be their punishment, this was not meant to put Musk into a good light, but rather his nature.
Damn you are right, this rbb (german funded media) article in german reports this in detail https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2025/01/tesla-gruenheide-led-by-donkeys-zentrum-fuer-politische-schoenheit-beamer-projektion-fassade.html
German police started investigating the activists for showing “Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen” (I will roughly translate this to “usage of unconstitutional symbols”) . Are they serious, like showing images of Musk doing this is unlawful?
the frigid north, Siberia and Alaska is perfect for the Coniferous Gang. The real party happens at the Equator though, in the fast growing and evolving rain-forest.
Okay now I need to develop my own plant based memes:
Corn 🌽: Imagine you are so weak you die every year.
Tree 🌳: Isnt that you?
Corn 🌽: …f****
german news media reports this is fake picture? Is that true?
Bad actors might only feed on such a networks without seeding, so you will need some kind of good actor reward in your proposed system.
this sounds like decentralized anon network to me, like i2p… but with access to the clearnet. https://geti2p.net/en/
In the long term a switch wood be good, yes. But I am impressed by youtubes ability to load 10+ year old videos without problems, and I am afraid this is only possible because of their immense scale.
F = m*g
… you are right the Force a mass experiences in a gravitational Field is proportional to its mass. And this equation reminds me of the force exerted on a charged particle in an electric field:
F = q*E
The force a charged particle with charge q experiences in an electric field is proportional to its charge.