if you think texas is bad, try oklahoma. There’s a reason it’s considered the buckle of the bible belt.
in my (limited) experience, catholics tend to be less shitty than protestants, with the whole ‘prove your faith with deeds’ thing.
I am Glitch Daracova, the breachforged cyberdragon, an immortal god to which age has no meaning. Fear me and despair. If you’re lost, consult my lore (hyperlink missing). My pronouns are Maj/Majs—short for ‘majestic,’ regal and divine, as in “Maj rules majs kingdom.”
if you think texas is bad, try oklahoma. There’s a reason it’s considered the buckle of the bible belt.
in my (limited) experience, catholics tend to be less shitty than protestants, with the whole ‘prove your faith with deeds’ thing.
loads faster
self preservation isn’t a selfless motive, but if it results in philanthropy then that’s a win.
hmm, I wonder why .ml dislikes .world so much. It couldn’t possibly have to do with us shitting on them so much.
I love it when obvious trolls are obvious, Once I’ve blocked enough of them whomever is left are people I can actually have a conversation with.
I will not apologize for offending you with facts. Also, try reading my comment again and respond to what I actually said, instead of what you think I said.
this, but unironically. Largest economy in the world, largest military in the world, and we just handed it to a giant toddler who thinks I should be tortured and killed for being gay. If you think you won’t be affected, then you’re as stupid as I am for thinking this country had a chance.
I’m in a predicament.
One the one hand, you’re doing God’s work.
On the other hand, I’m an anti-theist, so the previous sentence means shit.
What do?
there’s some good shit in these comments that I need to come back to later.
stick to the linux subs and you’ll be ok over there. As soon as politics comes up, they go full tankie.
That’s half the point. These people are destroying what they love through their own malice and stupidity. I’d rather they didn’t, but since they’re not stopping any time soon I might as well laugh at them for it.
this is hilarious, and 100% on brand for a vegan community.
“Excerpts from a book I’ll never write”