In a previous post, somebody called it a name that will forever live in my head:
In a previous post, somebody called it a name that will forever live in my head:
If you use github pages, you can create, deploy, and host static websites for free. Only cost, if you want your own URL, is for a custom DNS name.
You can use their default Jekyll static rendering engine, and create the content using Markdown. And with github actions, all you need to update the content is create markdown, then push the change to the same repo. After a few minutes, the new content shows up.
Hugo can also be used, but it takes a few extra steps: https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-github/
You can also find ‘themes’ to customize the look and feel of the site, specific to the site generation tool.
If you want a lot of extra features, Docusaurus is pretty much as good as it gets, and you can set it up to push out to GH pages: https://docusaurus.io/docs/deployment
How long before the students gamify it to see who can generate the most alerts?
Cloudflare just announced an AI Bot prevention system: https://blog.cloudflare.com/declaring-your-aindependence-block-ai-bots-scrapers-and-crawlers-with-a-single-click/
Good luck with all the inane shitposts.
Dimanche, he explained that “potentially dangerous individuals" have been caught applying to work or volunteer at the Olympics, including 257 radical Islamists, 181 members of the far left, and 95 from the far right.
My BS sensor is pinging hard on this.
Then again, how can you question Mr. Sunday?
It clearly says: Skip Registration. Don’t see how this counts as a Dark Pattern.
I could, but I personally feel anyone foolish enough to use my blathering deserves the unfortunate consequences.
My idea was for people who felt strongly about keeping their stuff away from the big maws of AI.
Scrape a bunch of Onion articles, link them together in an index, then post an invsible link from your home page that spiders will follow but humans can’t see.
Write a script to randomize the words on all the articles and link them in too. Then change the image tags to point to random wikimedia files.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that there’s very little quality control. Channel your inner Ken Kesey / Merry Prankster. Have fun.
Can’t someone come up with a browser that just randomly lies when asked about the characteristics that could be used for fingerprinting?
Except for trusted, whitelisted sites.
That seems like it would be a pretty good privacy enhancer.