Yep. This is an unpopular opinion. Well done.
ADHD advocate, former certified peer recovery specialist (specializing in suicide ideation when comorbid with neurodivergence.)
I don’t usually pay attention to whichever instance I’ve drifted into from all, so if you see me in a weird place, that’s why!
Yep. This is an unpopular opinion. Well done.
Hey! Be honest!
It’s not only just this country. People outside of this country who hear about it also hate it.
I am on painkillers and I submit that airmelon should be a marshmallow. Really break the mold.
And the yeast can sense fear.
Luckily, it can also sense anger which is why I remember every failure before I approach the dough.
I throw them away because I will tear them, the tears will catch on my hands, and it will slide half-off at the worst possible time.
It’s that Baader-Meinhof thing I was just reading about.
This, and other equally valuable reasons, are why I choose “I Will Survive,” by Gloria Gaynor.
If it helps, there’s also documentation saying that people who are neurodivergent can take an additional 10 years to finish developing. I don’t know how true that is, and it needs further research, but I definitely wasn’t fully developed when I should’ve been.
Yes. I did. I’m the first person who said, “this wiki link doesn’t support that.”
And another non-US source says that it isn’t. All from the same link. The argument that the top drop down is somehow valid enough to make a blanket statement when there are equal sources saying it’s false among their demographics is disingenuous at best.
ETA: you might not remember but you directly replied to my comment where I pointed out that the wiki article doesn’t support what he’s saying in his post.
I typed “lesbians have a higher divorce rate” and got a bunch of right-wing sources all quoting each other with no actual data.
Seriously. I followed like 5 links where each person was supposedly posting their source, and it was just some other asshole making the same claim. I gave up because it seemed to be going nowhere and I have the wiki right here.
If that asshole downstream here in the comments congratulating the dude higher in the comments for “posting statistics” in which the wiki article does not confirm what he says is any source, I wouldn’t be surprised if guys like these pop up and make that same claim all over the internet.
Which part of that wiki article are you trying to cite? The US part says that the divorce rates are the same among homosexuals as the general population?
Personally I think a lot of weddings end in divorce because people get them before they’re 25 and that’s when the brain finishes developing. Society rushes people to marry but I don’t think that’s a good move for the health of the people involved- only for the crowd that wants you pumping out babies as fast as possible.
You can imagine whatever you want but the average American wedding in 2024 cost $33,000. And honestly there’s a ton of higher end ones skewing the average.
I’m a woman and my absolute dream wedding is less than $10k and by a lot, and that includes the two-day on-site cabin rental for the guests (who will be sharing a single big-ass cabin because they’re not just a wedding party, they’re a LARP adventuring party.)
My old ass recipe has heaps of cocoa but the red comes from beet juice.
Always kills.
My prescription stopped changing in my late 20s.
I’m almost 40 so I know that time is coming to an end.
I like reminding my single friends that 73% of Americans are considered overweight. 41% are obese.
A shocking amount of my male friends are overweight or obese and refuse to date overweight women.
She wouldn’t let the fisherman look in her wooden box, so they came up with this while story about her being a foreign princess, married for convenience, and took an illicit lover, so they killed her lover and put his head in the box and set her to sea.
That is an insane amount of bananas details for “she has a box and won’t let us see what’s inside.”
I do want to warn you it hits hard. The album hits hard and the visuals really twist the knife.
I want to open it overseas! Export some actual American culture.
I also want to have special football nights where we put the game on and do snack food appetizers. Pigs in a blanket, a couple crackpots of little smokies, chips and dip. There’s a big sign out front that says when we offer tea we mean southern style sweet tea, so please ask for unsweetened if that’s what you want!
So many ways this could be done right.