If only there were some way you could kind of refer viewers to the primary documentation for the project.
If only there were some way you could kind of refer viewers to the primary documentation for the project.
It’s not that it’s uncommon, but slightly different for each project.
I collated library would be kinda cool.
That said, I don’t know how much utility this project would have.
Indeed. “Hunting is more sustainable than farming” is an idiotic assertion.
You know, I used to worry about China taking over the world, but honestly they look like a much better choice for a super power than the US is now.
I for one welcome our new communist overlords.
I started with gitea but found it difficult to backup. I’ve been using gogs for a while now and find it minimal and easy to administrate.
what do you mean you often switch apps ?
The best IMO because it’s just a client you install on a device which reads an encrypted data file you can sync how you like.
This way it’s not a hoard like lastpass or bitwarden.
Why should not I?
Is this one of those subs where pedo rape jokes are funny or one of the ones where pedo rape jokes are discouraged?
I think it’s a personal decision. As in, you might be cool with a car from that company or using proton’s services, but that doesn’t mean that everyone else ought to be cool with it too, because they need to make their own decision.
By being a customer of whatever company you are tacitly condoning their behavior.
I feel like this is an infinitessimal part of the problem.
As in… to make a proton substitute you need a similar level of resources. If you have those resources then domain reputation would be a snap.
syncthing if you just want to keep a few folders in sync between devices.
They’ve made some… curious decisions in the past which diminish my faith in their ability to navigate this one.
Lemmy will never supplant Reddit because of that
There’s a lot to unpack here.
Yeah, still not convinced.
I work in a field which is not dissimilar. Teaching customers to email you their requirements so your LLM can have a go at filling out the form just seems ludicrous to me.
Additionally, the models you’re using require stupid amounts of power to produce so that you can run them on low power machines.
Anyhow, neither of us is going to change our minds without actual data which neither of us have. Who knows, a decade from now I might be forwarding client emails to an LLM so it can fill out a form for me, at which time I’ll know I was wrong.
If I’m brutally honest, I don’t find these use cases very compelling.
Separate fields for addresses could be easily solved without an LLM. The only reason there isn’t already a common solution is that it just isn’t that much of a problem.
Data ingestion from email will never be as efficient and accurate as simply having a customer fill out a form directly.
These things might make someone mildly more efficient at their job, but given the resources required for LLMs is it really worth it?
I suspect that this is “grumpy old man” type thinking, but my concern is the loss of fundamental skills.
As an example, like many other people I’ve spent the last few decades developing written communication skills, emailing clients regarding complex topics. Communication requires not only an understanding of the subject, but an understanding of the recipient’s circumstances, and the likelihood of the thoughts and actions that may arise as a result.
Over the last year or so I’ve noticed my assistants using LLMs to draft emails with deleterious results. This use in many cases reduces my thinking feeling experienced and trained assistant to an automaton regurgitating words from publicly available references. The usual response to this concern is that my assistants are using the tool incorrectly, which is certainly the case, but my argument is that the use of the tool precludes the expenditure of the requisite time and effort to really learn.
Perhaps this is a kind of circular argument, like why do kids need to learn handwriting when nothing needs to be handwritten.
It does seem as though we’re on a trajectory towards stupider professional services though, where my bot emails your bot who replies and after n iterations maybe they’ve figured it out.
I think there’s specific industrial problems for which AI is indeed transformative.
Just one example that I’m aware of is the AI-accelerated nazca lines survey that revealed many more geoglyphs that we were not previously aware of.
However, this type of use case just isn’t relevant to most people who’s reliance on LLMs is “write an email to a client saying xyz” or “summarise this email that someone sent to me”.
I just sync a folder with syncthing and use native markdown editors.
On a desktop I like zettlr. On android I like zettel notes. Both have zettelkasten features which is pretty much just a way to link to other files.
Yeah this is me. It’s been just perfect for many years now.