@BananaTrifleViolin You are a genius. It’s been ten days now and the drive has been working flawlessly.
☝🏻 Clean your M.2 slots, everyone.
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@BananaTrifleViolin You are a genius. It’s been ten days now and the drive has been working flawlessly.
☝🏻 Clean your M.2 slots, everyone.
@Thorry84 Yes, of course.
PNY’s own “SSD Toolbox” reports 100% SSD Life (whatever that means) and no available firmware updates. I can also “optimizate” my SSD here, which is funny.
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@aliceif @techsupport It’s just always the same entry saying something like “command completed successfully”
@BananaTrifleViolin Good idea. The M.2 slot was left unpopulated for years before I added this drive. It’s possible that some dust got in there causing a connection issue.
I re-seated it and wiggled it around a bit to ensure any dust between the contacts got out of the way. It’s being properly recognised now, but we’ll see for how long.
@techsupport Turns out Lemmy doesn’t support images in comments. If you’re on Lemmy, click the Fediverse icon for screenshots.
@aliceif @techsupport I have never seen SMART report an actual problem in a useful way, and also not this time. The drive claims it’s fine.
Nevermind, Linux also doesn’t like it now. I guess it’s faulty. *sigh*
I don’t think it’s fake. I got it from a local shop which I usually trust.
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@pavel @techsupport @aliceif It wasn’t lying. Turns out the drive was fine, actually! It seems like the problem was caused by a dusty M.2 slot.