@shortwavesurfer We tested latest stable 1.21.1 and our Nightlies, it does say ‘Connecting to https:…’ in the notification. Make sure you have ‘Show available updates’ setting toggled ON.
F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform.
@shortwavesurfer We tested latest stable 1.21.1 and our Nightlies, it does say ‘Connecting to https:…’ in the notification. Make sure you have ‘Show available updates’ setting toggled ON.
@shortwavesurfer The repo name is shown, but the check might be pretty quick so you don’t get a chance to see it.
@QuazarOmega Update to latest 1.21.1 (expand Versions) and retry. Some GOS features impeded autoupdates this summer, but that has been fixed.
@yesfreenet @Captain_Baka What happens if you install the certificate and then right the F-Droid Client package? Do you have any screenshots of the error?
@boredsquirrel Fennec/Mull are huge tasks to clean up, delays are expected but are measured in weeks. K-9 pre-releases are coming as they appear, but you need to enable Beta updates in app details menu. Fossify apps were included when ready.
@boredsquirrel @merde Wait, which app took 6 months to get updates built verified from source by F-Droid?
@QuazarOmega This app was never in the f-droid.org repository.