There exists a modern EPROM replacement that internally uses flash and the chip itself has a USB port on it, but I can’t remember the name.
There exists a modern EPROM replacement that internally uses flash and the chip itself has a USB port on it, but I can’t remember the name.
Liches ain’t shit, but foes and tricks
Phylactery gems that one has hid…
pouet.net is the demoscene Smithsonian. Feels good running the good stuff on real hardware that I’ve accumulated from thrift stores, rummage sales, and Craigslist (remember that?) over the years.
The longer that friends stay over, the more hardware I pull out, and they get subjected to the likes of Eon by The Black Lotus on Amiga 500 and Area 5150 by CRTC & Hornet on IBM 5160. I think they got 1,000 composite video colors out of the original IBM CGA Graphics Card and sampled music playing through the PC speaker on a 4.77MHz i8088. 😂
I should start a computer museum but I have no money and I don’t think there’s any money in it. I’ve considered doing an event at my local downtown old-timey theater that reopened several years back… They will rent it out for stuff like that.
I love showing people scene demos running on my PAL C64, then seeing their reaction when I tell them that the CPU clock is 985 kiloHertz.
There’s too many good ones but the most famous may be Edge of Disgrace by Booze Design in 2008.
Meta Quest software updated automatically and after that I was getting weird disconnect messages, a black screen, and static
Did you tell that to Meta support? 😬
Just a reminder to not use keyboards with network permissions… You are trusting it with everything you type into it, including passwords. Use a free open-source keyboard from f-droid.org.
Wikipedia’s app is… not good. If my internet connection changes or is disrupted at all while loading data, the app shits the bed and must be restarted in order to work at all.
This; works on Mull; there is no submit button, it just constantly refreshes the results and thus is slow AF from continuously juggling the data.
I was recommended by a well-known privacy guide to use Rethink with AhaDNS Blitz, but it seems to fail often; nothing resolves until the VPN is stopped and restarted. Any ideas or advice?
Let’s just say “many!” The game is also proven Turing-complete so you can build a general-purpose computer within it, if you like.
My quick description of MtG to interested non-players: “One of the original CCGs, created by a math professor, like chess but you build your army from a pool of tens of thousands of pieces which is then randomized. Richard Garfield somehow patented turning cards sideways. 😅”
USA still has 2G, but 3G is definitely no longer around. Those frequencies have been portioned out for 4G LTE and 5G.
Them eggs is spensive cuz they real good ones. I gottem and gonna eatum with my limited edition cheese and laugh at the poors!