Switzerland is in Schengen area and in EFTA but not in EU.
Switzerland is in Schengen area and in EFTA but not in EU.
Not bloated because it doesn’t have almost any features. No spaces, no threads, joining channels doesn’t work, wait until becomes as the predecessors. The performance improvement is negligible in my experience. It does simply depend on thr homeserver performance , not much on matrix version
I noticed performance of matrix depends strongly on the server. Matrix.org is dead slow, I started using tchncs.de and even old ( somehow legacy ) element android is blazing fast
Element I’m not that sure, it’s so bloated that I’m surprised it works on mobile phones. Regarding matrix sure
So far, irc, jabber/ xmpp and matrix and plain old email with gpg :-)
I think the only still secure network is i2p. In there you don’t have the exit node
Lol. No, it’s only the public part. Germans disclosed the secret part which clearly stated what I said.
Soviets trained Nazi tank and artillery crew and provided them place for military training in times when they were forbidden to have heavy arms.
It’s a basic history material from the secondary school maybe
So show me the facts confirming murdering half a million people. Facts not lies. German POWs died not because of mass genocide action but because or harsh realities of Soviet gulags ( harsh living conditions, diseases and little food ).
If that’s what constitutes for you war crimes, even soviet prisoners would have to be called victims of war crimes.
It’s absurd of your terminology invention
You forget that Germans were allies of Soviet Union in the beginning. Yes, allies. Then the roles got reversed after they attacked Soviet union. It’s hard to be surprised that the Soviet union reaction of treating them badly after the war knowing how they treated civilians in Soviet Union
Still Germans died not of poisonous gas but the harsh realities of gulags. The same gulags were many eastern Europeans thrown into for nothing. Stil they weren’t subjected of the nation wide “final solutions” which they wanted to enforce on Jews and Polish ( yes, they were to be killed in their final solution but on the second place )
They started the war, they dealt with cruel people, they blame Poles about everything including the change of borders as if Poland didn’t lose the eastern border.
That’s the Soviets who decided about the change of eastern lands of German, not Poles.
Germans should know the meaning of the word “selbstschuld”. Actions have consequences and when you start wars with superpowers, the consequences are very big.
I see in recent years increase of German propaganda to portray themselves as prime victims in the ww ii on par with the Jews.
Still it’s the best class propaganda as “Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland” which have been proved by even German journalists to vastly fake
Oh, so when do you take to the court half of western Germany? Up to late 70s justice ministry officials were in 30% ex nazi party members. Not mentioning BND ( ex org Gehlen ) which was nazi organization run by nazi army officer.
Did the Germans return robbed pieces of art? Did the Germans repay restitution to the victims of German nazi camps ( yes, German because first nazi camps were created in Germamy like in Dachau 1933, then in Austria )
Did Germans repay for the victims of Intelligenzaktion ( killing action of Polish elite, educates people like doctors, academics, politicians and members of police and army )
Did Germans repay for intentionally robbing and demolishing any industrial or even cities like Warsaw?
Please let’s talk seriously about war crimes
Polls signed by USSR officials. Yes. you’re laughable. Like 100% support like in North Korea otherwise gulag
If you call the majority of the country cancer, it’s a clear sign you’re commie scumbag.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law_in_Poland in 1979 - 81. Whole country, students, workers, artisans were protesting against just lack of basic goods, cheap flats and no job opportunities and you call it “cancer”. You summed up your political movement well.
Whole country was anticommunist scumbags? 68, 80, 82? People were protesting because high prices of groceries, basic products, lack of flats, no work opportunities for educated people. You have no slightest idea what you’re saying. My father and mother were protesting as students, but my father’s father was in the party, director of the cheese factory and even that fact didn’t protect my father. You’re really commie scumbag for advocating violence for the protesting people. Allegedly protesting and human rights were guaranteed in those communist countries constitutions
Free Healthcare as long as you manage to survive the queues and not to die in between. Same with everything. Good propaganda bloke, people kept waiting for own flat 30 years and even after that you didn’t get it without connections. My parents weren’t in the party, the all bought the flat in that bad capitalism.
Not mentioning my father beaten down by prison guards because taking part in students protests. So called “path of health”
Yes, one part in the soviet Ukraine, second part in socialist Poland. Which party of my family missed the best of communism? [FULL IRONY MODE]
Not more utopian than your beloved USSR
Nah, eastern germany regions stay exactly where they were - underdeveloped. Even after more than 20 years, population of the east moves to west Germany causing economic havoc to those regions. On paper you can claim almost everything
Western Germany regions are still paying to the east one “solidarity tax” to help with the post socialist past underdevelopment. Is it also illusion?
Well, I didn’t see child pornography on telegram but I saw sex channels being removed. Comparing to Instagram, I didn’t see happening this on Instagram. Minor soft pornography is flourishing on Instagram. CSAM or terrorism is always a case brought up to take some unpopular things down
Just compare West “capitalistic” Germany and communist East Germany
For some reason I’m feeling so Amish… Seems like they were so right with technology risks :-)