They could but they haven’t, so this ban is just racist economic protectionism.
They could but they haven’t, so this ban is just racist economic protectionism.
So if an American company collects user data and sells it on the open market to a hostile foreign nation, and accepts money to run propaganda, that’s A-OK?
The entire Rage Against the Machine discography. I have a lot of punching to do.
I think Marx would be down with the era of wassailing Christmas celebrations. The poor get drunk and take the belongings of rich.
The infinitive is the form of a verb that in English is said “to [x]”
For example, “to run” is the infinitive form of “run.”
OP probably meant “infinitely” worse.
I know you’re being a little facetious but you raise a good point. As you start talking about a net worth more like 5-10 million, there’s a lot more people in that class. I think then it’s more about things like, do you have one fairly nice house, or one nice house and a half dozen shitholes you rent out, or a couple nice houses that you move between? Are you a business owner who pays well in a field that is profitable or are you the proud owner of a handful of subway or McDonald’s locations?
And the perfect counterpart is another rotund fuzzy tech guy, Steve Wozniak. The Woz, who isn’t a billionaire in part because when Steve Jobs decided to fuck over a bunch of Apple employees before the IPO Woz gave them some of his shares. Woz, who spends his time in part video chatting with elementary school classes and talking to them about technology.
As someone else pointed out a while ago, Dolly Parton isn’t a billionaire because she tirelessly gives away her wealth to the poor.
It’s not the same level, but there are other musicians who have fought to keep ticket price affordable for their fans, Minor Threat/Fugazi being the most notable but far from the only ones.
The way every billionaire is made: ruthlessly exploiting the working class.
And Dodd-Frank was passed as a weak facsimile of the previously-repealed Glass-Stegall act that was written after the Great Depression and effectively prevented any major financial collapses for 70 years.
Hopefully the absence of an algorithm pushing engagement at all costs will dispel some of it.
I also don’t know the laws in India, but in the US nearly every major “hacking” case for decades has been a miscarriage of justice to some degree or another.
Like Kevin Mitnick who simply figured out that a major early ISP was keeping customer payment information in plaintext on an internet-connected server.
Ghost in the Shell was an unnecessary remake of a fantastic original animation that was improved by the series that followed it. There was never a need for a live action version.
I have a number of friends who feel like socializing online saved their lives, largely because they are queer and grew up in small towns with no other visible queer folks around. Discovering that there were other people like them in the world kept them from feeling completely isolated.