glorified spellchecker-on-steroids
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
glorified spellchecker-on-steroids
You don’t have to, the exchange is fictional and even if it was real none of those are you.
Love me some Dinotopia.
Let me stop you at “I’m no security expert”.
Not what I meant:[To-RFP-or-Not]#-fingerprinting
"If you do nothing on desktop, you are already uniquely identifiable - screen, window and font metrics alone are probably enough - add timezone name, preferred languages, and several dozen other metrics and it is game over. Here is a link to the results of a study done in 2016 showing a 99.24% unique hit rate (and that is excluding IP addresses).
Changing a few prefs from default is not going to make you “more unique” - there is no such thing."
Basically making yourself less unique is impossible so there’s no sensible tradeoff to be made (other than in the context of Tor and Mullvad Browser).
Am I wrong to assume trying to blend in is a worse and contradictory strategy than trying to actively protect yourself from tracking?
If you want to not be unique, use default setting chrome without adblock. Your browser will look just like anybody else’s, but they will literally know who you are.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, you lock everything down and spike as a very special browser and… that’s all they know.
100% of the people are like that!
Headscale is not essential. Of course in this context the “self-hosted service” would be the Tailscale client…
We can agree to agree.
I guess having something in there is good but it’s inherently an issue when the topic at hand is acting outside survelliance.
Let’s say, for example, things escalate and reddit get fully weaponized for the benefit of one side, and they start pushing for known compromised VPNs. How can you fight that if pepole got into the habit of trusting such platform?
Yep. Still going in a better direction than Reddit though.
Possibly a north korean bot willingly engaging in destabilyzing westeners fostering reddit circlejerk vapid culture.
No but it’s much easier to find the 20 years old student interested in privacy that realyze right now that reddit is not open source…
50 people clicked the up arrow below the comment.
I guess we all know it, since we are interested in Privacy and not clueless enough to be on Reddit (anymore?).
The degeneration from a “safe” place to what it is now is what makes it particoularly egregious a place to avoid for anybody serious about privacy…
I like how the original OP mention in passing that Reddit is bad for privacy.
Like, no shit? How can a privacy community be even remotedly healthy in such an environment?
It’s like having a club for how to avoid the police within a prison, regulated by the guards.
Unpopular does not mean wrong. The person that holds the unpopular opinion will make a sound argument toward it revealing pockets of shared bias or wrongly held opinion by the majority.
The point IS replying with arguments.
Tor inside a VPN is fine. Some argue it will make you stand out in comparison with other users of your VPN but that’s only a problem if they retain data, and if they do you really wish you’d have used tor…