How, exactly, should you have seen this coming? Elaborate on your thoughts.
How, exactly, should you have seen this coming? Elaborate on your thoughts.
You think calling someone autistic is an insult?
No I can’t guarantee it, and neither does Microsoft, Windows, nor any of the software you have ever used, for work or not. Read the TOS. You are given nothing, and all software, no matter how much you pay is “provided as is”. Which means they deny responsibility for bugs or misbehavior of their code. MS corporate contracts don’t sell guarantees, they sell support when something eventually goes wrong. They never promise the software will always 100% work because it opens them to legal liability. OneDrive, to keep the discussion on topic, doesn’t guarantee availability of your files, or their integrity, and even makes you agree to not sue them even if you lose all your data.
Installing a new OS is not a hassle at all on this day and age. If you can click buttons with a mouse and read at least at a 6th grade level to follow instructions, you can install an OS.
Using fomo and marketinp to force people into debt for a phone. Definitely the moral and sensible choice.
Where’s the “Apple is the only tech giant that respects your privacy” crowd? Just because your data isn’t being publicly auctioned doesn’t mean they aren’t harvesting it and infringing on your privacy.
Thanks for mentioning the name because I honestly didn’t know what software the second icon was supposed to be.
My friend, I have already started seeing “best X to look forward in 2025” lists. It’s just content to fill the void. They mean nothing.
Prescription glasses expire as our eyes are constantly changing. You should get your eyes checked every two years minimum.
This is an incorrect way of looking at it. It’s not an all or nothing circumstance. Nintendo is simply the flip side of the same coin of publishers abusing consumers. The PC gaming world is filled with good publishers selling high quality games at full price with no abusive practices (heavy litigation or mtx). As well as indie developers who do sales and dlc but are ethical in their design. You just have to look away from the marketing behemoths who want to syphon your wallet dry.
The story might be apocryphal, but bakers indeed do use cookies to test proportions of ingredients. You’re not going to waste a whole pound of flour just to see the effect of more or less butter in a particular recipe. You do a little bit and bake them in cookie proportions. Specially when you have to make several hundred pounds of cake at a time, you can’t afford to err on the measurements, and you do need to know variations in the flour.
Random sampling flour batches. And you’d think I’m joking. But no, this is exactly how we invented cookies. Cookies were baker’s experimental tool to test their flour and, by ovserving the cookie, predict what they needed to change in their bread recipes to produce the exact result they wanted.
If you know the factors that affect the flour, you can control said factors, thus predict your results based on such factors, more or less a measurable margin of error. Ergo, baking is precisely an exact science.
Hard take that will expose me and a lot of people might not relate. But I shower at night before bed. I don’t shower in the morning. Never smelled or anything. For those who shower after pooping, I’m an evening pooper as well. So, maybe there’s something to this. Even with moderate sweat during the day, I never have body odor. It usually takes very heavy sweat from exercise or sports, or two days at least without a shower (very rare occurrence) for me to smell like anything.
Executive bonuses, of course. Won’t you think of the poor millionaires?
They do but it’s not that much more significant than overall ad revenue. Having a Patreon or a merch store will probably outperform 10 fold anything that YouTube pays from both ads and premium views combined.
It’s already pretty much a rich people hobby. There are many facilities and heavy assistance from locals. It’s dangerous still. But it’s not even among the top 5 most deadly, dangerous or difficult climbs. In really good weather you can pay for a helicopter ride to get you even further up from base camp thus making your climb shorter.
My unpopular opinion is that inverting upvotes for unpopular opinion is stupid and only creates confusion. It was stupid on Reddit and it is even stupider on Lemmy. If an opinion is unpopular and you disagree with it, you should downvote it and reflect its popularity correctly. If you get super upvoted you failed because it means your opinion isn’t unpopular at all and it is actually shared by a lot of people.
Ffs, this is why I never engage with you. You’re so thick skulled, nuance is always lost on you. It’s like “bad faith argument, the person”. Enjoy your strawman, you built it, you can keep it.
He stole a white bat to halt a tribal marriage and then force a war between the tribes. Thus allowing an English company he owns to exploit the conflict to steal the guano trade for profit.