You can format a flash drive with whatever the hell file system you want. Just, don’t expect anything formatted exFAT to work in any dedicated device made before 2019, nor even the majority of them made afterwards.
The ones who need to get their shit together are the manufacturers of printers, media players, car head units, set top boxes, game consoles, and all the other things into which you might want to insert a flash drive (or memory card) that is not a full-blown PC.
A surprising number of things on the Disc that appear to be made up fantasy are actually based on real world words, concepts, cultures, and especially bits of folklore. Sometimes messed with a bit, but oftentimes played completely straight. And it makes the jokes even better when you look it up and figure out what Pratchett was referencing when he wrote it. Some of it is quite clever.
It’s true that the Discworld is a world, and a mirror of worlds (i.e. ours).