An electrical current runs through a thin wire with an extremely high melting point in a vacuum, safely using resistance to turn electric potential into heat and light. Do kids these days not know that?
Drag rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. drag/dragself person-independent pronouns. That means drag’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.
An electrical current runs through a thin wire with an extremely high melting point in a vacuum, safely using resistance to turn electric potential into heat and light. Do kids these days not know that?
Your mistake was owning a car
Ask the sales rep if it works without internet, and if they’re wrong, demand a refund.
( . Y . )
Here are some thoughts:
Marx said communism is stateless
The state won’t wither away if you keep defending its right to use force
The vanguard party must either accept revolution against themselves so that society can become more communist, or become reactionary tyrants
Modern Russia isn’t fucking socialist, you don’t need to defend it anymore
State capitalism isn’t socialism. State socialism requires robust democracy
Every actual successful communist nation that reached communism didn’t have a vanguard state
Being an enemy of the West doesn’t mean a country inherently deserves your support. That’s how voting works, it’s not how international relations work
Trump is planning to displace the Palestinians and make Gaza a US colony, and Lemmy’s Marxist-Leninist community tried to help him
Having a small movement with little power isn’t an excuse for making bad decisions. Take responsibility for your actions
Drag is not seeking to have an argument about each and every one of these points. Drag is seeking to prove that “tankie bad” is not a thought terminating cliche as you said. Drag has plenty of thoughts, and has already discussed them exhaustively on this platform. And this list of thoughts isn’t an invitation to sealion.
Drag suggests you learn what a dude, guy, or man is, and why perhaps you shouldn’t call strangers those words, especially after investigating their profiles and most likely realising they’re nonbinary.
FOSS isn’t Soviet style state capitalism / socialism either.
Well except for the Catalonians, the Haudenosaunee, the Australians, the Polynesians…
Karl Marx said communism is stateless. Tankies are named after their support of soviet tanks to put down revolutions. That’s the opposite of stateless.
Tankies aren’t communists.
Drag likes brutalism too
Humans do. And according to human rules on language, it’s she and it. She if you’re under the illusion that mosquitoes have gender identities. It if you want to be scientifically accurate. Certainly he would be misleading.
Male mosquitoes don’t bite. The blood is used to grow eggs by females. The females use she/it pronouns.
Ohhhh. Drag thought it was the ASCII code for X
Where’s the 88?
He actually belonged to your mum
Here’s a translation of the relevant Dutch law against violent speech:
Article 137d: “He who publicly, orally, in writing or graphically, incites hatred against, discrimination of or violent action against person or belongings of people because of their race, their religion or their life philosophy, their gender, their heterosexual or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental disability, shall be punished by imprisonment of no more than a year or a monetary penalty of the third category.”
Is being a CEO a religion now?
(Fun fact technically irrelevant to our discussion: being biphobic or aphobic is allowed in the Netherlands)
Drag can’t taste onion. It just takes like stringy nothing. Like a slightly more robust grass. It’s annoying to eat because it gets in the way of the flavour.