I don’t see NOAA on that list.
Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.
Pronouns: he/him/his
I don’t see NOAA on that list.
In store my passkeys in my password manager, which has a desktop app to access passkeys. What are you using that you have to always use your phone?
This also would work as cover art for The Boys’ orgy.
Flock Safety’s cease and desist later is just the latest in a long list of groups turning to bogus intellectual property claims to silence their critics. Frequently, these have no legal basis and are designed to frighten under-resourced activists and advocacy groups with high-powered law firm letterheads. EFF is here to stand up against these trademark bullies, and in the case of Flock Safety, flip them the bird.
Everybody say it with me: 🖕
The song is written as if it’s told by an onlooker. To suggest that the devil lost is an assumption that the devil is honest and plays by the rules.
There are 7 deadly sins: pride, greed, wrath, sloth, gluttony, lust and envy.
The pride happens when Johnny tells the devil that he’s the best that’s ever been. The greed is playing for a fiddle of gold. Even Johnny acknowledges that when he says, “It might be a sin but I’ll take your bet…”
So the devil lost the fiddle contest, but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t win Johnny’s soul. It’ll just take a little longer; what’s time for someone immortal like the devil?
The devil is a trickster that will do whatever he can to get you to sin against God. And he did go to Georgia to steal a soul, after all.
I wish I had three arms when playing my “fiddle”. 😈
But did he lose? He tricked Johnny into a deal for his soul using both greed and pride. I’d say the devil won alright.
I’m a native English speaker, and even I recognize how weird the language is comparatively to other languages.
Roll that beautiful bean footage!
In the original post, it is explained that it’s spelled that way because of grammar rules in Latin.
You joke, but….
Well, I guess it’s still a joke to assume there are people in my life to sit beside me.
I’m curious why you say that?
I saw Carl Winslow and first thought Chicago Bears. My second thought was Al and Nakatomi Plaza in LA. “Chiefs” never occurred to me.
I have been ejected. Does that count?
So you’re saying I’m a ritual object? Huh, go figure.
Back in the early aughts, I worked for a company that did tech support for Adobe products. The company lost the contract to Adobe, and we all were laid off. For the couple of months before our final day we would play Quake while doing tech support. Our numbers were never better.
Good news! It’s a suppository.