cheapest vps is $25 what bye
cheapest vps is $25 what bye
zero problems with docker, maybe try that.
before you take the jump, consider a way lighter and easier alternative - syncthing (files) and radicale (calendar, contacts). dependable, bullet-proof, super-lightweight, zero issues - everything nextcloud isn’t.
I was the happiest when I finally booted nextcloud off my network, never to return.
if you’ve happily consumed apple’s offering up until now, you can just disable iCloud backups and that’s it, nothing essentially changed for you - nobody’s going to go through your phone. that remains as safe as it was a month ago.
upgrade went without a hitch (docker), only thing needed changing is the web UI password in docker-compose.yml. everything works, UI is infinitely faster, first impressions very positive.
as a direct product of enshittification, google and friends routinely undermine the open internet and make life difficult for people who selfhost, businesses and private parties alike.
so your emails not arriving in gmail’s inbox is because google wants you to use gmail and/or their business account, not plain email. there is no mechanism where you can mark a non-gmail correspondent as safe and someone you always want to receive comms from. except, if you offload your sending either to g&f or one of the 3rd-party senders like mailchimp, sendinblue, etc. who have a direct pipe into google’s infra and are not subject to any of those harassment tactics.
so, not having a .com domain is possibly less ideal, but that pales in comparison to the above; if you’re communicating with non-gmail/outllok/etc contacts, it don’t matter. if you do - again, it doesn’t matter.
ALL YOUR SEARCHES are tied to your email, forever. all your queries safely stored, waiting for someone to hack them or them to abuse that data somehow.
now reread your question.
I’m not sure I understand what the issue is here… I also have uBlock Origin and no traffic is hitting either of those domains, just checked it with inspect/network tab. the redirect thingy autotranslates youtube to invidious and clicking youtube links opens freetube. no traffic is going to google or youtube. which part is your issue?
edit: aha, got it - uBlock swallows those domains so the extensions don’t run.
I’m using freetube and privacy redirect on firefox. this is what embedded videos look like:
clicking on “Go” starts embedded playback from invidious, clicking on “youtube” opens freetube. there’s an option to auto-open/play the embedded video, which I don’t use.
I’m not hiding anything, I’m choosing what to share; there’s a difference.
as to your (somewhat naive) perspective, yeah, having your shit out in the open is a credible threat. the solution is have all your shit private by default and not shared with anyone. then, allow leaks on a case-by-case basis.
we’re all done (or should be, at least) with the idea that there are laws and regulations shielding us from the now rampant abuse from various threat actors. instead of relying on the government or whoever to enact those regulations, I find it way better to not allow anyone to be in the position to compromise me.
this is a forever moving target and you’re never going to achieve full security; to paraphrase cory doctorow, that’s a full-time, unpaid job that you’re doing in addition to your existing job. but I’m better off with more security and privacy than without, so I’m ok with the sacrifices I have to make.
saw your other post as well, there’s so much stuff in your stack that you have to narrow your issues down to the malfunctioning item, there’s no way you’re gonna stumble upon someone with your exact setup.
start with existing element x apps communicating over (use throwaway accounts if you don’t trust it) and unified push using if everything works there, then you can start replacing one by one of these until you achieve full functionality or something breaks.
solid rant.
as to your thing with the addiction to this and that, you hafta learn to hate that crap; it comes naturally to me, so there’s not much effort needed.
so when you hate alcohol and burgers and cigarettes and whatnot and especially the industry that produces it cutting every corner to make more money and their advertising henchmen masking every turd with sprinkles and cinnamon, then you’re no longer in the “I’m depriving myself of the thing I want”, every time you think of it a flood of anger and rage splashes over you and you simply don’t want none of that crap, ever.
works for me, your mileage may wary.
keep your data turned off. you load the tablet with books or whatevers, you don’t need no comms, hence nothing can leak.
second, you should get the device based on LineageOS support, so check their devices page first. there’s but a handful of those, I was lucky to find a Tab S6 Lite for cheap and it’s hella supported. if you have money to burn then look into Pixel tablets and such.
finally, when you eventually flash them, the battery life isn’t great. even just having them lying around not doing anything in standby requires you to connect it to power every other day or so. had an iPad like 10 years prior, that thing could be left for weeks and still be available when you need it. sadly, no such thing exists here.
p.s.: not what you asked for, but take a look at old 2-in-1 tablets in the vein of Dell Latitude 5285/5290/7290 etc. those are fully featured i5/i7 machines, tons of RAM, expandable storage, you can install Linux on them with all the benefits and drawbacks that brings; battery longevity also ain’t a thing here, but at least you can tweak everything (limit frequencies, hibernate, etc.)
calling the phone company and faxing them paperwork
doing WHAT the fuck now?!?
on a more serious note, can you elaborate on the thing where you, a call receiver, have access to the GPS on the caller’s phone? like, how? asked and answered, still don’t understand how that happens.
for uploading, absolutely use syncthing. you can set it up so that it works in only one direction, i.e. phone to server, so any file that appears on the phone’s download folder gets sent to the server. the one you want is syncthing-fork on fdroid.
as to listening to the music via youtube check out innertune, also on fdroid.
As of right now, Plasma Bigscreen isn’t available for public use yet.
deleted by creator
which ones?
unless you really need it, set up sync to work only on your home network. you enter a new event when away and it stays on your device.
once you get home, it then syncs with radicale/syncthing/nextcloud/whatevers.