Why i can hear & feel that image vividly, like i was there…
Oh…god, thanks OP you made me remember my not so bright past
Why i can hear & feel that image vividly, like i was there…
Oh…god, thanks OP you made me remember my not so bright past
I don’t know why people bother to buy foldable phones, if you want bigger screen just buy tablet…smh…
Tablet has bigger screen plus it’s cheaper than buying foldable phones
It just comfortable electric chair
Ohh…i see
Sad thing it’s not cookies that came from tits (or breast milk)
But at least with that miracle cookies i can make the real lactation cookies
Lactation cookies ??? What is that ???
Cookies that came from tits ???
I2P is great for privacy but it sloooooow even much slower than Tor from my experience
Maybe there’s fast node out there but who knows… 乁( ⁰͡ Ĺ̯ ⁰͡ ) ㄏ
Like 1 & 6 combined together to became big fuckin mess, that’s how i feel this entire year
So… finally Mozilla has slowly but surely going into the dark side huh…
I’m not surprised anymore, they even had telemetry code inside android apps from waaay back then (although seems for debugging purpose)
In the end I’m not justify all company bc they need money for survive & exist, although i don’t like the way they do it
I’ll give it a try
But please release on f-droid too
Adguard can do that if you setting it in low level settings & activate HTTPS filtering for certain apps
And now it’s time to learn how to extract cocaine from paper currency