It’s that. It’s been a hot minute, but (IIRC) for me it was the less-than-great UI/UX that really adds up to a high friction experience. Especially when compared with software like Slack or Discord.
It’s that. It’s been a hot minute, but (IIRC) for me it was the less-than-great UI/UX that really adds up to a high friction experience. Especially when compared with software like Slack or Discord.
Honestly, what I find frustrating with Teams is that both MSN Messenger and Skype were right there. It’s not even an issue of copyright or trademark as MS owns both. Even just lazily re-branding Skype would have been head-and-shoulders above what we have now.
To be completely fair, it’s hard to overstate the durability of an old Thinkpad. They’re so ubiquitous, Linux compatibility is almost guaranteed. Then, after the battery goes, attach it to a UPC and ride that setup for another decade at least.
Ah yes, Five Guys. Where the fries turn into a pile of greasy mush if not eaten within the first five minutes your order is ready. But you’ve completed that task, you’re now full-up on fried potato, but now your burger is cold or at best half eaten. Nobody should have to eat with the gusto of a professional contestant just to make the most of things. It’s a meal that conspires against itself, every single time.
If you skip the fries, the burgers are actually pretty good and can enjoy it at any pace.
Yes, but to be fair, it’s peak mid. Most other chains do a worse job on burgers, and to do better, you have to go substantially upmarket.
This is fine.
Krull?! We can agree on that. It really is an amazing and entertaining mess of a film. I can just hear the writers now…
Hrm, the script just seems kinda… flat. I know… <<massive bong rip>> let’s add storm troopers and lasers to the mix.
videoganes from the Atari era such as ET
That is a game that is difficult to love. You may be in a very exclusive club on that one.
I swear it’s just one dead cat after another with this guy. It’s like someone is feeding him this nonsense to keep him busy, and by extension, the media and most of us.
He’s already working overtime to distract from the fact that the majority of his campaign promises were just lies and the sooner he can make the people who voted for him forget all the pie in the sky shit they were promised, the better.
That too. Good call, OP.
I encourage everyone to call non-news what it is - a distraction - until it’s actually a thing that’s happening. In the meantime, consider browsing the AP to read what’s actually happening that’s being masked by all this noise.
At first, yes. To make that shift you have to throw the aristocracy, and perhaps a monarchy here or there, into the trash and divvy up the spoils. Over time, the new system can (and some say will inevitably) revert. Once you have enough wealth concentration in the hands of a few, you essentially re-create an aristocracy and the feudal system that goes with it.
It can also be argued that a feudal system is capitalist to begin with. Land and laborers to work it, used to be the key deciding factor in wealth and therefore, power. Wars are where you steal land from others, assuming control of the people that live on it, thereby securing more wealth and power. The industrial revolution saw a gradual shift towards energy production and consumption as a defining factor. So still somewhat land based, but with very different constraints and far less dependence on who lives on it. Now, in the late information age, access to energy and data are emerging as the main deciding factors. But it’s also not hard to imagine players that have the most access to energy and data as feudal lords, provided they can influence politics and people’s lives in the same way a feudal system can (just without borders). And all of that is top-to-bottom running within a capitalist framework.
Did we improve things? Well, moving towards a central government that supports an actual justice system that isn’t prey to your employer or landlord’s whims (feudal lord) is a huge win. For instance in the UK, that happened a long time ago. In practice, I think that is still mostly true, but there are some lingering artifacts and maybe even some creep backwards. Consider de-facto class systems, institutionalized bigotry, and racism. On balance, I’d say yes, but I can’t say with certainty that it’s an absolute win.
Tactical ballistic pizza? Count me in. Sounds reckless and delicious.
I think the balcony edge curves out into the room. The second pic from the loft bedroom kinda/sorta looks like it. Looks like crap with that straight railing though.
Well, duh. How else is anyone supposed to tell them apart? /s
Protip: fill each day with novelty.
When we’re young, everything is new. Our minds are on constant overdrive taking everything in, followed by more each and every day. As adults, we’re simply not challenged at the same clip and wind up throwing out all these dull and repeated experiences - so fix it! Keep reading, keep learning, keep exploring, and never stop asking questions.
Short distances should be meters, feet, inches, millimetres.
American machinists go a different way altogether: thousandths of an inch. So no binary fractions, but still imperial-ish. :/
And milk is often actually in litres and half litres, we just assume it’s in pints.
That one makes sense.
Yes, but only for the mere moments before it becomes porridge.
It’s the sugars in those vegetables. It turns the pot into a bacterial growth medium. Given enough time, something is going to survive that environment. Maybe it’ll be probiotic, but most likely, it won’t.
where it was often necessary to render unruly guests blind.
(emphasis mine)
Lately, I go on a 30-minute “Not Interested” spree on the recommendations feed when I need to weed things out. I burn everything that I know I’m never going to watch. I have 500+ subscriptions and the ratio of those with new content to trash the algorithm hands me is too damn low. So I have to set it straight some times. After this correcting action, things are noticeably better for about a month.
Another move is to right-click and open unfamiliar stuff in an incognito/privacy window. This helps keep similar material out of your feed.
“Clock App” = TikTok.
Took me a minute, not gonna lie.
This does make me wonder: do municipalities with a large number of roundabouts have stats for how these things foil drunk drivers? I feel like there’s a serious possibility of reducing fatalities if we just replace the center of these circles with ponds and/or sand traps.