Meanwhile on lemmy:
WINDOWS on my LINUX app?!?
Meanwhile on lemmy:
WINDOWS on my LINUX app?!?
Quad9 ( is my go to.
This tool is great for figuring out which one is the fastest for you:
This is an article that requires pictures
Backing in implies the spot is behind you. If there is someone following you and you decided to drive past a parking spot, stop, switch to reverse, then maybe park in one smooth motion (but also maybe not), they are going to have to back up to get out of your way, then wait while you definitely park slower than someone who is driving forward.
So… no, not a skill issue.
Because it takes longer to back in than to back out? Read the article that someone else linked
If you don’t have to do it for a valid reason (safety), I’d say you are pretty much just inconveniencing everyone around you.
Not according to my maracas…
Fox and Roku, everyone’s two favourite small companies!
Who, Elon?
I don’t know what a geo-signal is, but everything else listed there makes perfect sense given the context.
Map car retreats around corner
Not sure why this is downvoted, it’s a fair question
Haha it’s from a movie.
I want to lick you until you weep
I was mostly confused by your original comment before you fixed the typos
Ya that was the commentary on how shitty the icons were
👀 Was this written by AI, or was it a person trying to be as annoying with their emojis as possible?
This is the first time zuck has gone full ass-kisser with curly hair and a gold chain, though