This is a weird post, the HDD boxes are already packaged in a way that works well for shipping. Also the retailer doesn’t necessarily ship the package either. I think you’re asking more about shipping companies.
This is a weird post, the HDD boxes are already packaged in a way that works well for shipping. Also the retailer doesn’t necessarily ship the package either. I think you’re asking more about shipping companies.
There is always a risk. Nothing is 100% secure. It’s low but the risk is there. Noobies also make configuration mistakes which can impact security severely.
Don’t forget about heart bleed, the openssl vulnerability that went undetected for years.
My home shit is also not funded by a Corp with all kinds of fancy threat detection and prevention stuff. I don’t have the time or desire to deal with it, nor do I need to serve other users, only my own needs. Therefore vpn is more secure.
Is your web server set up to use a domain? Like if you’re using Apache vhosts or anything, I’m pretty sure you need to configure your domain in there too, and then restart the web server.
As others have said, close port 80. I actually stopped exposing ports a while back. I just configured always on vpn on my phone instead. Much more secure.
The laws don’t exist though because they’re so easily circumvented. If you AES256 encrypt something today, there’s an extremely lonely chance they can’t crack it. For years.
With a padlock they can just pull out the cutters and they’re done.
I’m just referring to your point on why there are no laws against padlocks in this context.
And they don’t give a shit 100%
With a pad lock they do have a key though. Bolt cutters.
What is Firefox edge? Do you mean Firefox focus?
Don’t you need to mark usb disks as bootable if you want to boot from them to install Linux or whatever
Install wsl lol.
I’m pretty sure mac, being based off freebsd, would include dd
Can always use dd but I always go stupid when I need to set boot flags and all that crap, which is so much easier with etcher. I think I’ve done dd with gparted in the past.
privacy for me, but not for thee!
I love the down votes, this should be getting up voted. It’s an “unpopular opinion”, isn’t it?
I’ve been happy with joplin, I leave it on my nextcloud
Uhg. How much longer until it’s more viable to self host…
This is how they win.
This, I just leave mine on next cloud.
I felt my comment was rational based on the information presented, just trying to understand. I’m surprised it made you so unhinged.
I’m also not really sure why some random internet handle/username has set you off, it’s not like my username is “I_drop_then_ship_yo_HDDs_lol”.