So, take pictures in monochrome or apply some kind of filters is what you’re saying?
So, take pictures in monochrome or apply some kind of filters is what you’re saying?
I already had some previous NixOS experience, so that might have made it a little bit easier, but other than that, it was pretty seamless. It has OneDrive, Teams in the Nix store, and then I use just the web browser version of Outlook, because it’s the exact same as the desktop version. Other than that, yeah, everything’s seamless.
I switched my work laptop to Linux(Nixos+Gnome) as soon as I could after they announced they were going to be using an AI in the OS. Been loving it ever since, and the peace in knowing they aren’t spying on me as well is a really nice added benefit.
And thus, this day will be remembered as the great browser migration.
Why not something like syncthing and then just use a text editor you like?
We’re getting closer and closer to a scanner darkly.