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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • Gen Z here and I can agree. I used to mess with computers, especially when I got older, so I could play games. Later I kind of slipped into the open source and tech bubbles. If there is a problem that annoys me enough to overcome my laziness I will fix it. I have no problems with writing scripts so I don’t have to do stuff manually each time. And then I look left and right and realise that most people in my age dont even have a computer and only use iPads and such stuff. They have zero fucking clue what happens behind the scenes.

  • This. Especially if you go partying weed is way cheaper, as long as you don’t have an absurdly high tolerance. You can smoke like 0.3g and be high for the whole evening and only spent like 3€ on getting high. If you want to achieve the same with alcohol you would have to spend way more.

  • I’m a daily user, but for me I don’t vape it (prevents use from being too easy, too accessible)

    I feel you. Since I bought myself a Vaporizer my use has devinetively increased. However, its the only way, except edibles, that I can consume weed without coughing my lungs out.

  • If you want to make money out of goat farming theres a lot more to this than just a little bit of land and a few goats. Running a profitable goat farm means, that you either sacrifice all of your free time or that you scale up to a level where the goats are your only source of income. It isn’t that easy and devinetively not that cheap to start with it. You need a stable for the goats, machines to bring food and water to it. You need the food itself. A trailer to move the goats from a to b, you need someone to sell your goats to and all of this must be as cheap as possible if you want to make a profit out of it.