Clubbed to Death by Rob Dougan from The Matrix. I want a video of the festivities to watch again and again too.
Clubbed to Death by Rob Dougan from The Matrix. I want a video of the festivities to watch again and again too.
I know how to bag groceries, you fucking condescending asshole. The Walmart and Home Depot self check work every time for me. Kroger has defective ones. Maybe their scales suck. Maybe they need different values for their timers. I am not going to debug it for them unless they pay my software consulting fees which seems highly unlikely because they’ve broken for more than five years.
I hate the self checkout at my local Kroger because it works like fucking dog shit. Always playing a patronizing voice telling me to put the item in the bagging area even though it already is. Always has an inadequate amount of space in the bagging area.
If the purge happens everyone is going to be looting and murdering. I’ll be the person burning down Kroger.
Why does everyone always type 7 asterisks?
Can you teach me how to do that on my Geocities page?
My face when I realize the dude in this meme is probably mid-40s these days.
Gagarin is one of those super human people that makes me feel grossly inadequate. Look at him. Qualified technically, insane enough to get strapped into a ballistic missile and then eject out of it during re-entry, and handsome too. Cosmonauts and Astronauts are so many sigmas from normal that it’s hard to believe they’re the same species as the rest of us.
TI sold their defense segment business to Raytheon in the late 90s. I don’t think they make missiles anymore.