Can 2 girls share 1 creamer?
Can 2 girls share 1 creamer?
If there’s a day 1 patch for big game releases, it’s the same as early access. Going gold means bullshit nowadays.
This reeks of young adult in college “I can convince others with facts” energy. Good luck. It gets old. People want to be ignorant. People suck. They don’t care. Why bother.
“When was the last time you read your Bible?”
Thanks for nothing, mom.
You wouldn’t download an exhausted teacher…
Imagine there’s no rallies at the white house in protest yet.
Shocking how little this country cares.
I’m not a motorcycle, baby. I’m a rollercoaster with an unfinished track.
Enshittification is a fucking stupid word.
Well crap. Here I was hoping my knob would get hot.
How much did the printer and materials cost? Or the time to educate on cad and printing?
Just saying, it was likely far more money and time/effort than merely 12 cents.
So Much Better by Eminem
I Hope You Die by The Bloodhound Gang
Maybe life isn’t binary choices arbitrarily dreamed up so you can Boomer-judge others to deflect your projecting from your own insecurities.
How about neither?
Please consider that people suck.
Yodänger’s Supermarket:
open, we are?
open, are we?
open? we are!
open? are we!
Also Lionel Hutz.
They also didn’t like the name, among not liking much of anything about my entire life. No contact for the last decade has been such a breath of fresh air.
My boomer bitch ass parents used to complain about us needing a few minutes to strap a car seat into a car in the 2010’s.
“We didn’t need car seats when we were babies and we survived.”
They were fucking obnoxious.
Is the piss just on top then?
PS5 truly is mostly enhanced PS4 games and other re-releases.
Sometimes you can also get “when was the last time you read your Bible?”