New Teslas will have a traditional gearshifter.
New Teslas will have a traditional gearshifter.
I had a horror/comedy dream last night. It was pretty funny in hindsigt, so here it goes:
I am in my office at work, and I get a really important call regarding a case I’ve been working on (in real life) for a while. So I already know exactly what I want to say, but to my surprise my throat is so sore that I can hardly speak.
Every time I open my mouth I just either yell loudly or whistle silently. I only manage to say a few syllables in each breath.
This goes on for quite some time in which I barely manage to explain my unfortunate situation and that it’s important that they hear me out. The call repeatedly gets cut off and starts over, forcing me to go through the whole thing several times much to my frustration, before I realize that I’ve actually just been snoring in my sleep and wake up.
In Voyager: settings/user tags/enable
To tag a user: go to their profile, click the 3 dots top right, add tag.
It’s true that Mozart disliked her. His own letters confirm that. It’s unproven if he wrote the soprano voice that way to make her bob her head.
The company tax is slightly lower. The previous poster stated something about capitalism. The best way to curb hording of capital is by the companies paying taxes.
Ordinary working people probably pay a higher tax in Sweden than in USA, but that’s a different discussion.
Company tax rate USA: 21% Company tax rate Sweden: 20.6%
Not everyone has Excel or even a monitor.
I pdf everything I send by mail because I know they’re going to watch it on a phone or tablet just as if they got a printed paper delivered by snail mail.
This way I can set the print area and focus on what I want them to see. It also stops them from overwriting my formulas and sending it back for me to fix. There’s nothing worse than working on somebody else’s spreadsheet. Just as much as I dislike receiving Excel sheets, I also don’t want to put anyone else in that situation.
There are alternatives for the people who make money off the YouTube.
The Youtubers who do get paid enough to make a living from YouTube also make production quality content and have great gear and staff. They might as well sell their production to any other streaming service.
Something like Veritasium might as well be on Netflix as YouTube. Mr.Beast would fit in on Mtv…
At what point do content creators stop creating content for this?
I think of it as finished software. It’s the MS Paint or Notepad for sound. No development necessary.
The only reason I’ve used it is because Adobe bought CoolEdit and started “developing” it, a.k.a.: Turned it into paid bloatware and changed the name to Audition. So, I found Audacity which is free, small, to the point and quick to use.
If you do need more features you’d probably be better off switching to something else in the first place.
Thanks. There are a few minor details in the melody, but considering the harmony and rhythmic structure, it’s really not coincidental why that note is there.
In order to follow common practice theory and with that limited rhythm, there are very few ways in which that note would be any different.
I used “also” because it’s describing the same note.
The two songs have the same melody.
Coincidentally the 7th note of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is also 7 semitones from the root.
I doubt that shaving would have any effect on that.
Yesterday some uptown girl commented on my ruggy full beard, so today I wore my beard again, because I don’t really give a fuck about her opinion.
Another similar naming convention in Danish is how a electric jumper/shunt (a deliberate short circuit) is called a louse. The singular form of lice.
The thumbnail looks like the bad Jesus restauration.
If the company buys “motivational presents” for employees… the company is already several years or more behind the employment market. You’re not unionizing hard enough.
How do you suggest “un-normalizing” it?
It’s a natural urge. Trying to ban it by law or religion is about as realistic as banning people from breathing out of the mouth instead of the nose.
Trying to make it culturally unacceptable also won’t work. It’s already culturally unacceptable to pick your nose and eat it, but some people still do that too whenever they think nobody is watching.
You’ll find that countries that have either banned it or made it unacceptable have much higher crime rates including rape.
That’s how illegalization generally works. It only creates more illegal situations, because it surely doesn’t stop people from doing it.
Practice with a microphone and headphones. Add some delay.
You will soon learn proper microphone technique and also how to adjust and get accustomed to the sound of your voice.