Habitat for Humanity restores are gold. Most of my furniture is from there. They have pretty high standards for the stuff they take.
Habitat for Humanity restores are gold. Most of my furniture is from there. They have pretty high standards for the stuff they take.
Or places that normally get snow are getting less and less.
I have an auto hotkey script that I always have running. It just takes my clipboard and sends the key presses to type it in when I press Ctrl + shift + v.
It gets me around most of this sort of bullshit.
Att’s usage meter sucks.
Yea. It feels like every game wants to follow the current gaming trend rather than stay in their existing game design.
It’s been very weird seeing every game turn into open worlds, with story changing dialogue options.
Unifi. I’ve got a box of APs as ewaste just sitting in the basement. Every so often I would get more ewaste from companies I work with.
I don’t need the most demanding of wifi systems. I hardwire most of my stuff whenever possible. And I have a fairly small home. A single AP on the main floor, 1 AP on the basement. 1 AP in the detached garage.
Most of my wifi devices are iot things on their own vlan.
I’m a big fan of ipmi so I can remotely manage it. I’d look at one of these now: https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/supermicro-superserver-e200-8de300-8d-review/
I don’t really like having to connect a monitor and keyboard when working on my servers now.
Storage is really limited for TV and movies though if you are running Plex.
If you want to host something like libre office, just remember how important backups actually are. If you take the risk of hosting business documents, make sure you do everything necessary to protect them.
I find the limit to be useful. It prevents random relationship drama and filler.
But I think both film and television series work great for different stories. Having television without a definitive end makes stories weirdly convoluted and meaningless as they try to change another season, just the same as the empty film sequel.
Depending on what people do, the government already has their fingerprints.
Personally, I work around schools so I had to get a background check and fingerprinted for that. I also am licensed to handle explosives, both federally and at the state level. I been fingerprinted for that. I’ve gone through TSA for hazmat endorsement on a commercial driver’s license. That needed fingerprints and a background check.
Getting fingerprinted to get through airport security is the least of my privacy concerns.
But my threat model isn’t the TSA. They aren’t a concern of mine, although I do opt out of their facial recognition.
I am concerned with internet surveillance, corporate surveillance, and communication surveillance.
I specifically will boycott places if their ads annoy me enough.
On her computer, why not just use Thunderbird on it? Or even outlook, or whatever she likes. She just needs to pick the software.
On her phone, or even yours, why the stuff with accessing Thunderbird through vnc. Just add the server to whatever mail app on your phones?
If you want a web based thing, roundcube or sogo. But Thunderbird is gonna suck the way you are trying to use it.
Stupid rspamd default config on my server blocked an email confirming an order from rayban I guess because it was the first time it saw an email from them? Couldn’t even release it, which annoyed me greatly.
And it also put a confirmation from a hotel into quarantine because the resort didn’t have a valid spf record. But at least I could release that one.
I ended up making it much more permissive as a result. But it was super annoying.
For day to day driving, maybe not.
But if I’m trying to to break the back end out, engine brake downhill, or have a dead battery and want to pop the clutch to start it I really want a manual transmission or a sequential gearbox.
I also can rebuild a manual in my garage (and have) so I’m more comfortable with something I can easily service if I need to. I drive 20 year old cars and intend to keep them, and any other car we buy, on the road for decades to come.
What’s the torque band? Driving a diesel, it’s really high compression and torque is applied low in the rpm range. Gasoline is a lot lower compression and might be twice the rpm to get the most torque. Outside of that torque band and your using more fuel for less movement.
I just moved into a house a couple years ago. While I’m mostly getting used furniture, I’m slowly looking into making my own and learning to repair what’s out there.
I’m really bad at staining or painting. I never feel like what I do comes out even.
That’s when I stopped playing. I think I was an hour in before I got spotted and then wasn’t going to spend another 2 hours literally crawling.
Yea. It’s really bad looking for something online. They may be under the “solid wood” category for material, but they still are 90% particle board.
I prefer spending extra knowing that I’ll have something for decades and not have to replace it in a year or two. Fortunately for me, about 80% of my homes furniture is from Habitat for Humanity. They are fantastic for having a good selection of quality stuff for cheap. Some might need a little repair, but they tend to only accept decent stuff in the first place.
Sure. A lot has rotted away, but much modern furniture is designed with so much MDF and other manufactured wood products that aren’t resilient in the least. Moisture will destroy them, they take gashes super easy, and are soft wood.
I’d think the furniture our grandparents had would be more likely to have been solid wood.
That’s not to say there aren’t solid hardwood pieces being made today. But they are extremely expensive and are competing in a space with poor regulation of descriptions and all the flat pack Chinese imported stuff thats literally 10% of the price of good furniture that will last.
Solid hardwood furniture is a luxury.
They developed the rest of the farm.
It’s amazing how the media and propaganda has made enemies of our neighbors and stoked those fears until the populace thinks they need to always be vigilant of some perceived slight or danger.
They have kept us blind of those who have organized a societally approved threat. Law and order is not kept through threats of violence by the state. It is built through the community and rising up all those around us.
A rising tide lifts the boat, we all benefit when those around us are doing better.