Is there typically such a massive difference between using http://local_ip:3000 and https://speed.mydomain.com/?
Only if they resolve to different addresses.
Is there typically such a massive difference between using http://local_ip:3000 and https://speed.mydomain.com/?
Only if they resolve to different addresses.
You’d be wrong. Open source has a commonly accepted definition and a CC licensed PNG does not fall under it. It’s copyleft, yes, but not open source.
I do agree that model weights are data and can be given a license, including CC0. There might be some argument about how one can assign a license to weights derived from copyrighted works, but I won’t get into that right now. I wouldn’t call even the most liberally licensed model weights open-source though.
His writings sound like that of someone suffering from paranoid delusions. We’d have to take every claim he makes about the news site feeding info to law enforcement, the gps trackers, the FBI being in on it, the undercover cops tailing him, AT&T being in on it at face value. He’s seeing patterns where there are none.
Apparently all this started during a messy divorce. Our minds can do funny things under stress, like deluding ourselves into a persecution complex and making everything fit that, rather than having to deal with an uglier truth.
I don’t need an agreement from my burger place to sell a burger they made for me to someone else without being obligated to tell them it came from my burger place. There’s a lot of things that are iffy with this approach, but rebranding agreements aren’t one of them.
I have to ask, even though I’m afraid of the answer, exactly how many USB storage devices are you (planning on) hooking up to that poor machine?
Easier to have ambition when you’re not using it.
Looks like the silent majority disagrees with you… Stop convincing yourself of things that aren’t true.
Hey, looks like you forgot to post them so we’ll ignore your comment for now until you do!
No. People who want the benefit of self housing without worrying about hardware will rent a vps or something simpler. The hard part of hardware isn’t the purchase, it’s the maintenance.
Also, why the separate router?
The vegan community recommended people to move to Lemmy.ml or hexbear 🤦
It’s fake, sadly. Good reminder not to trust everything people post…
As a first step, just try going into Partition Manager in Windows and growing the actual partition. This is harder from Linux because of Bitlocker.
That’s not true. The way their streaming works is basically a Playlist of shorter fragments. They can easily insert their own fragments without obvious visual tells if they don’t alter other elements of the page to indicate that an ad is playing.
I don’t know about this, but I’ll settle for accountability on facts. Seems like we have a long way to go still.