Does it really say no automatically or just hide the banners? I thought Consent-o-Matic was the only plugin that actually clicks no
Does it really say no automatically or just hide the banners? I thought Consent-o-Matic was the only plugin that actually clicks no
For a banana clicker, yes
He is advertising some podcast. Should be banned for spam
Adaway if your phone is rooted. Pihole or dns adblocking otherwise
Can confirm. On top of all that, the app is way more intuitive to use than the website.
I really doubt they would care about something like this. Even getting them to support firefox was an annoying process. I emailed them every month for six months until they added firefox support
Can’t recommend this. It broke couple sites that I frequently use when I tried it some time ago
Yeah I did it’s not there
Can’t find it in OxygenOS
Is this a fool moon night reference?