You should just order “sashimi” if you don’t want the rice, in buffet place the “sashimi” is just the protein part of the sushi
You should just order “sashimi” if you don’t want the rice, in buffet place the “sashimi” is just the protein part of the sushi
just not liking the teasing of flavor is all. If I want flavor I will drink the sugary ones, otherwise I will just drink plain water. Having nothing is better than unsatisfying amount that makes you want more.
There’s no rules that says having powers mean you have to be a superhero
someone posted the listing here, the units are 80m^2, which is 861sq ft, that is nowhere close casket size
that’s just screwing with the workers though, and the workers sure as hell is not going to get paid extra for your custom order
humans typically don’t visit [website]/fdfjsidfjsidojfi43j435345 when there’s no button that links to it
well nobody complains about having to pay less, and calling it out means they might lose the discount in the future and who would want that?
there are also many disabilities that prevents one from driving. Meanwhile infrastructure that is safe for bikes would also be safe for mobility devices travel
one of the food delivery service I used tried to offer this, but that is extremely limited in availability and does not cover my address so I never get to use it.