Thanks for sharing the second one
I hope so
Yep, hence the Luddite reference.
Just learn to code right bro. You dumb ass libs always assume everyone is as skilled as you and every job you don’t want to do is lesser. Some people like being cashiers.
Get back at me when you learn some labor theory and intersectionalize more.
Next time your feeling social or not it a rush have someone check you out. Hell you can even do it if there’s a cute bean working.
Tell that to people that could have had jobs as a cashier that those machines have taken away.
May the hammer of Enoch do it’s work.
When’s the last time someone checked you out?
We’re not getting rich in this economy may as well do drugs
Except you’re wrong. In case your next reach is “It’s not the billionaires fault.” These companies could be easily be made more efficient if the billionaire class were forced to change but the government is too weak and corrupt to allow that to happen. We have wealth disparity that has surpassed American’s last gilded age. The billionaires don’t care about climate change because they already won they’re richer then us who cares if humanity goes extinct, they beat us.
Does it just stop playing sometimes? It’s the only thing I don’t like about it so far
Someone from mastodon should retoot this
Thanks for the recommendations
Cuz America is a backwards ass country
Funny how you don’t even mention what that is…
This research and its publication open access was funded by food awareness organisation ProVeg International ( AK received this award ID: Oct2019- 0000000286. However, this funder played no role in study conceptualisation, design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the resultant manuscript nor decisions relating to publication. We are grateful for their financial support.
I wish I seen this in September