I’m not pro choice, I’m pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you’re able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
I’m not pro choice, I’m pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you’re able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
Enshitified product exists - > good alternative arises to meet demand - > good alternative becomes popular - > good alternative either becomes enshitified to maximize profits or is purchased by owner of original enshitified product.
The capitalist way.
Frame it however you want but this was how 12-20 year old American males spoke to each other in the 90s and early 2000s.
It’s only satire here because their doctors are talking like that.
Haha. Well done. At the time that this movie came out, this dialogue wasn’t even considered that offensive.
It was kind of like an Australian calling someone a cunt.
OK, but really wouldn’t amazon and the publisher take a fat cut? Shouldn’t this be like, how I made $50,000
Being rich is a little different than being a beach bum.
Living radical takes a toll, bro.
The sleeping fascists
If only there were some method available, allowing you to search for and obtain information on any possible topic! Maybe in some sci-fi future world, this incredible information resource will also include instructional videos!
I think the lady said they know the IP address of every phone but that doesnt make much sense. anyway, the point was that theyre using the signals from your phone to uniquely identify you. you can simply turn those radios in your phone off when youre not using them.
It’s good that you’re concerned about the data your phone may be revealing to other nearby devices. It’s generally a good idea to have bluetooth/wifi/nfc turned off if you’re not actively using them. Even without the robot, you have no idea what data companies might be collecting when you’re physically on their property.
As time goes on, I am more and more convinced that media piracy is morally acceptable.
Might your day be improved by … A dildo going in and out of an orifice?
I mean, you might be able to. I was mostly joking. I can see how abortion kind of is murder but also it kind of is just a clump of cells at first, that the parents should be able to decide if they want to allow to develop.