Alabama is the 49th dumbest state in the country.
If it weren’t for Huntsville, Alabama would be a land of wild ape men
I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
Alabama is the 49th dumbest state in the country.
If it weren’t for Huntsville, Alabama would be a land of wild ape men
I use readable names.
I’m using one system for testing purposes, so it’s called testingPC.
Any containers are named for the container purposes, like my pihole is named pihole.
My system is so boring that any person were to pick it up after I got hit by a bus would be able to figure out everything.
I’ve been saying this for years. News is news, but media is media. And just like the difference between an artistic nude and pornography, you know what it is when you see it.
I don’t think that news organizations should be allowed to broadcast Propaganda media without consequence, At the very least, they should be required to be transparent when they are not reporting what they believe to be factual truth.
I have heard that there is a modification you can do to put a resistor into the fan to lower the speed of the fan and quiet the server down. But I don’t know if that works on your specific brand and you would need to research the specifics yourself before making a hardware modification to a server you’re not 100% comfortable with accidentally destroying.
Well, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. The only thing I was thinking is that you would then also have the rest of the Proxmox server to do other server things with.
For instance, you could set up an LDAP server and create a centralized login for your home domain And have that separate from your portainer setup so that if you make a mistake you don’t end up having to redo your portainer setup.
You could also use it as a VM host to try out different flavors of Linux and see if any of them make any more sense to you.
Even though it’s not recommended, you could also host Truenas on top of Proxmox.
There are good reasons to use virtual machines separate from another virtual machine.
Like the other people said, use Proxmox. Just download the installer, flash it to a flash drive with Rufus and install it and then put it somewhere far away where the noise won’t bother you hopefully plug it into your network and then you can just run it.
One thing that I like to do is to install ubuntu server and then install Docker and Portainer on the server and then you can just run a whole bunch of Docker containers and have a lot of fun playing around with that.
There are a lot of guides for how to do that, but if you set up Proxmox first and then create a VM with, say, four CPUs and four gigs of RAM and 40 gigs of storage space, you’ll have more than enough room in that one virtual machine to run dozens of net services.
Some good ones to install are pihole or ad guard home and nginx reverse proxy.
You can go to DuckDNS and create a subdomain and then set the IP address to your internal ip.
Once you have that up, you can then go to Let’s encrypt and create a wildcard certificate and then give all of the services you’re running on Docker and on your NAS server an internal name with an SSL certificate instead of having to type in the IP addresses.
The sky is the limit and the more things that you play around with and try, the better you’ll get at them and the more things you’ll learn how to do.
Guaranteed this guy is also like, “We should execute child molesters in the most horrific way imaginable! We should drag them into the town square and strip their skin off with tiny razors and then boil them in drain cleaner until they die!”
But at the same time thinks that arming women for self defense is “a bad idea, not gonna go well, lot of innocent rapists getting murdered” smdh
One of the fundamental issues is that it’s just people.
People are going to talk about things like people do, and just because it ends up looking like Reddit or whatever doesn’t mean that this is a bad thing.
It just means that format is one of the ways that people tend to communicate.
Because your body will burn calories warming them back up.
I have a loops account but I have not been able to upload a video in over a month, it fails on every single attempt.
It’s almost like El Cheeto dorito was born for the role.
Yeah it seems like if a kid says “It’s a me Mario” while playing on a playground some Nintendo lawyer is going to be there to smack their family down with a 30 million dollar lawsuit.
That’s absolute bullshit. I’ve never met anyone who turned their bully into a friend while they were still in school together.
There are also variations on this that play ASCII Star wars and modified versions of the song that are terrible on purpose.
I set this as the admin login link to my docker system just in case somebody manages to infiltrate my network.
I don’t know. That kind of advice is usually given by somebody who’s been through it and is on the other side.
It’s like many of the survivors of Auschwitz and the Holocaust in general said that overall the experience gave them a lot more than it took from them.
Of course, we’re only looking at the survivors and not the people who died, but it does kind of say that yes even if things are incredibly bad, if you survive them they can get better.
If this is how I find out I need to update my jellyfin I’m going to be sad
You got to give us some context my dude. Why is funk whale not recommended by you?
I tried navidrome but the issue I ran into is that it would not play individual songs or sort through them, it would just play my albums in alphabetical order.
And I don’t know as far as jelly fin goes, I like it as a video platform but for music I couldn’t get it to just randomly display the songs and let me shuffle through them.
I’m looking for a music server that can see all of my songs and music and shuffle them and play them. Does anything like that exist?
I think that saying comes from an era when that’s what happened to them.
That aside, it really depends on the person. Just because some people get a little more flexible in some ways doesn’t mean that everyone becomes more flexible as they age. It’s very likely that people can get more and more set in their ways as time goes by.