Alternate title: The Tech Burnout
Extrovert with social anxiety, maker, artist, gamer, activist, queer af, adhd space cadet, stoner
Alternate title: The Tech Burnout
So we rename peppers to firemelons, beans to windmelons, and potatoes to earthmelons. Seems simple enough
To be fair they’re not actually lying, they are misrepresenting the truth. Facebook actually doesn’t sell your data to third parties because they lease temporary access to it instead. Selling the data would mean they couldn’t recapitalize it with the same customers.
Meta’s customers couldn’t use it to skip doing their own market research and need to already know who they want to advertise to before they buy ads with Facebook. (It does provide insights and analytics about demographics during a campaign as well)
Jeez, you don’t need the gun. I would have come willingly if you’d mentioned the numbers stations. Watching some boring Netflix movie kinda sounded lame anyway. Here’s an edible, where are your headphones?
Omg, so many opportunities for evil:
The real problem is the employee who didn’t create the policy would generally be the person subjected to any mischief so it’d lose its fun about the time the manager barred me from coming back the fourth time I no-tip stared them down.
Hey twin, lol