Oh, 100%. That’s what I mean, our Congress has become completely useless due to the “all or nothing” stance the GOP and to some extent the DNC have taken over the last couple of decades.
Oh, 100%. That’s what I mean, our Congress has become completely useless due to the “all or nothing” stance the GOP and to some extent the DNC have taken over the last couple of decades.
What a fucking shit show. It is astounding how impotent our legislature has been for so long. This whole thing could easily be avoided with actual fucking laws, but instead they’ve continued to hand more and more power over go the executive/presidency for years and years.
Yes, I fully relate with this as if you spoke from my heart. Agreed on all points, haha.
I do cook, kind of have to when you have kids. But I definitely do not enjoy doing it. Especially because I’ll slave over a new dinner idea and my kids will just refuse to eat it.
Dude it’s insane. I don’t understand how the hell these places stay in business anymore when the quality still sucks ass and it’s all so expensive now. Like even taco bell, who used to be the king of cheap, costs a fuckton these days.
My point is that one person is only able to produce 1 second hand item at a time. So you’re saying roughly 50% of the population gets to buy new and the other must by used. The logistics don’t make sense long-term. I wear my clothes until they have holes in them. I’m not giving that shit to a thrift store, because they legitimately won’t accept items like that. I know there are plenty of other people who do the same. Pants are actually the most consistently relatively expensive clothing item, usually costing $40-60. Because of that, I only own 3 or 4 pairs of pants and when they start getting tattered, they become my yardwork/garage work/etc pants until they legit fall apart. If everyone does this same approach, there isn’t much of a second hand market, no?
The national average wage in the US according to the Social Security Administration is $66k. People are barely able to pay rent. According to various surveys, anywhere from 40-60% of Americans are living check to check. And a quick search shows the most purchased clothing brands include Under Armour, Levi, Adidas, Nike, Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, etc. All of those btands do make items that cost $50+, but they also sell tons of shit that’s $20 to $30 or less.
Second hand isn’t always practical. For some things, sure. But definitely not even for most things. And if everyone did it regularly, it’d be even less practical/reliable.
And again, you have a wildly inaccurate view of what most folks are spending on clothes. There’s a reason Walmart and other affordable clothing stores like Target, Kohl’s etc are so widely available and used across the US.
Where can we buy ethically made phones, clothes, etc that we can easily afford? I can assure you most people aren’t buying $200 pants/shirts.
Lessons learned, next time they need to stockpile more food. Like what if they had years worth of food haha, police stationed outside just waiting for the day the bunker opens up like some old prophetic myth
Is HC just a unisex/family bathroom or something? Those are somewhat common here in the US, but not common enough to be reliably present at commercial facilities. They’re mostly common in publicly funded buildings and/or kid oriented businesses.
It depends where you live. But it does majorly suck when you end up needing to change your kid in a place that doesn’t have it in the men’s bathroom (I’m a dude). Hell, it happened to me over the holidays when I went out with extended family that was visiting to a nice restaurant. I was changing my daughter’s dirty diaper on the stupid little countertop area in the bathroom that had all the concierge type amenities. I just pushed all that crap into the corner to make room and one of the staff came in and gave me a look and I just commented they should install a proper changing station in the men’s bathroom in the future.
That poor movie was a travesty on multiple levels. Why Shyamalan was chosen to write/direct that movie, I care not to look up. My off the cuff theory was that he had kids obsessed with the animated show and he wanted to destroy something they loved after they accidentally broke his one and only Golden Globe award.
Name one outrage among conservatives in the US when a white person was cast for a role that was any other ethnicity in the source material. Sure, it happens on the Left, Netflix is especially accused of white washing (recent example: Three Body Problem). But, conservatives don’t give a shit when it happens the other way around.
Regardless, I truly couldn’t give a shit who gets cast for what regardless of source material. If the actor/actress is able to play the part well, I come for entertainment and couldn’t care less.
Personally, I think the lack of outrage is because the people who get outraged by black people being cast for roles that were previously white characters, aren’t concerned when it’s white people being cast no matter the source material.
Honestly, that’s a sign to me that your bank doesn’t take cybersecurity seriously and would possibly consider switching. Mine has amazing security as well as fraud detection. Sometimes it’ll even send me a text to verify a purchase if their software thinks it’s weird I got across town too quickly, though that’s pretty rare so it isn’t overly aggressive/inconvenient.
Definitely keep watching. Larry David is definitely not a magtard and the show is hilarious. Also, in the later seasons, she only makes brief appearances. Hell, the last season has an entire multi-episode arc calling out and making fun of Georgia’s voter suppression laws.